Back Together

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Austins pov

I finally got to kiss Tia. It was amazing. Her lips were so soft. They tasted like mint.

" Tia, what were you and......" We hear Taylor say as he walks out to were we are. 

" What the hell?" he says. I let the kiss go. I back away from Tia and I put my hands in my pockets.

" I should go" Tia says walking into the house past Taylor.

" Dude" he says walking closer to me.

" What?" I ask him. He rolls his eyes and puts his hands on his hips.

" I dont want you seeing her anymore, I want her. Thats why I told her to break up with Nash" 

" You what?" 

" YEA, I told Tia to break up with Nash so I could have her"

" You're fucking sick man.  No one does that."

" I do because I want her" 

" Whatever." I say walking past him and into the house. I walk tup the stairs and into Nashs' room. I open his door and I see him laying on his bed looking at his phone.

" Hey, Nash. Can I talk to you?" I ask him. He looks at me and nods. I walk to his bed and I sit down. He sits up beside me.

" Its about you and Tia"

" Ugh.... what?"

" Taylor told Tia to break up with you so he could have her. Tia still loves you. And you still love Tia. Go talk to her" I say. He smiles.

" Taylor told Tia to break up with me? Who does that?"

" Thats what I said"

" Well, I guess I will go talk to her" He says standing up and walking out of the room.

Nashs' pov

I walk to Tia's room. I open her door and I step in. She is siting on her bed looking through her phone.

" Can  I talk to you?" I ask her. She looks up at me.

" Yea.... I guess" she says putting her phone down.

" Taylor told you to..... break up with me..... Just so he can have you...."

" He said he dosnt have a crush on me..?"

" He lied. He just wants you."

" Gosh, I feel like an idiot now" she says standing up and walking towards me. 

" Do you still love me?" She asks me.

" Of course" 

" Would you love me anymore if I did this?" she says leaning in and kissing my lips. I missed her minty lips. Our lips unlock when we hear the door open. I look behind me and see Austin.

" Oh, sorry" he chuckles.

" Its fine, guess what"

" What?"

" Tia and I are together again"

" Oh....... congrats" he turns around and walk away. I am so confused. I turn back to Tia. She smiles and kisses me again. I put my arms around her waist. She puts her arms around my neck. She jumps up and wraps her legs around me. I walk to the walll. I slam her against it. Our lips still together. I let the kiss go and I move down to her neck. I suck on some spots. I hear her moan in one spot. I suck on it. Her fingers grip my hair.

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