Meet Austin

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Tia's pov

Its been 3 days since I got back from the hosptial. Nash has been carrying me everywhere. I havnt bathed in forever.

" NASH!" I scream from up in my bed. I wait acouple seconds. He walks in.

" I need to take a bath." I say. He nods. I see his face turn bright red.

" What, its not like you have never seen a girl naked before...."

" I havnt" he says looking at the floor.

" But I bet you're even more beautiful naked" he smirks. I roll my eyes.

" If you dont help me, im getting Cameron to" I say Nash looks at me and quickly picks me up bridal style. He walks me to the bathroom. He sets me on the counter.

" Wait here" he says running out. I wait...... he runs back in holding a pile of something. I look at him.

" What, its only clothes!" he says. I laugh.

" Ok.... shall we start?" he says gulping. I nod.

" Nash, this is even more embarresing for me then it is for you" I say. He smiles.

" Ok. First lets talk your top off." he says lifting up my shirt. He stares at my stomach. 

" What?" I ask him.

" Nothing. It just hurts me to see your scars." he says. I sigh. He takes my top of fully. He reaches behind my back and unclips me bra. He takes it off slowly. When he takes it off, I cover my boobs. Nash laughs.

" What? Its weird." I say. He shakes his head smiling.

" Atleast you have a nice body" he says. I start getting uncomertable.

" Nash. Can you leave. I can do this myself." I cover my boobs. He sighs.

" Sorry. It's just that, im a virgin. Annnnnd you know most guys. They are really desprate for sex. Sorry"

" I know. But I can do this myself. If I need you, I will call you." I smile. He nods and leaves. I uncover my boobs.

" Phew" I cover my eyes. He is soooooo awkward. I take my pants off slowly. Then my underwear. I struggle to get off the counter. I put my leg down then my other leg. I arch my back and walk to the tub. I turn the water on. I wait for the tub to fill.

" you doin alright?" Nash says through the door.

" Yea. Peachy" I feel my back. My spin is pratically sticking out of my back. I get grossed out.

" Ewwwwweweweweweeeeweewwwweweweweweweweweeeeeeeeeewewewewewewew" I say. I hear Nash giggle.

" WUUUUUT?" I say in a baby voice.

" Nothing. Just listening to you"


" WHO IS STALKING WHO?" I hear a faint voice come from downstairs.

" NON OF YOUR DAMN BUISNESS CAM" Nash yells. I sigh. I hop in the warm tub.

" I FORGOT MAA DAMN BUBBLEZ!" I yell. I hear Nash die of laughter.

" Can I enter?" Nash says.

" NAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, Im fine with out my cocaine."

" YOUR WUT?" Nash yells.


" Ok, hurry up. I gotta piss!"


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