The Break Up Again

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Nashs pov

I woke up feeling lonely. I decided to get up and wake Tia up by kissing her lightly. I got up and walked out of my room and towards Tia's. I opened her door. I looked in. She wasnt there. Dang it. I walked out and past Camerons room. His door was open a crack. I peeked in and saw Tia in bed with him. WTF. I turned around and walked down stairs. When Cameron wakes up. I will teach him not to steal my girl. I walked into the living room where are all the boys were.

" Oh, its Nash. You're finally awake!" Sam yells.

" Dude, I just woke up, My ears arnt fully working yet" I say covering my ears.

" Sorry" he giggles. I sit down beside Shawn.

" Wheres Austin?' I ask.

" Vomiting up alcohol." Carter chuckles.

" Oh.... Lovely" I say. We hear foorsteps coming down the stairs. I look at see Cameron and Tia walking down together. Tia in Cams shirt and sweatpants. And Cameron in just jeans. No shirt. Show off.

" Goodmorninnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn-" Tia says looking at me and steping away from Cam.

" Morning guys" Aaron says.

" Tia, can I.... speak to you?" I say standing up. She nods. I walk into the kitchen. She follows. I turn to her.

" Are you kidding me?" I say.

" No im not." She says crossing her arms.

" I saw you guys. In bed together. Whats wrong with you?"

" Im done with you. I love Cameron more. You dont do what he does. And what he does, is what I like. Atleast he does what you didnt"

" What do you mean? I cared for you while you could barley walk"

" You were getting pervy'

" HOW?!"

" Saying I would look sexy naked. Thats disgusting."

" Thats what couples do, They flirt with eachother to make themselves feel good and love eachother even more!"

" No, thats what you do. Cameron dosnt. Im sorry but we are threw. Dont go near Cam or I." She walks out. I rush my fingers through my hair.

" GOOD CAUSE I DIDNT THINK OUR RELATIONSHIP EVEN WORKED!" I yell making her turn around and glare at me in anger. 

" Your pathetic" She says turning back around walking back to the living room.



" Fine, Walk your slutty ass back to Cameron"

" Exuse me?" she walks back towards me.

" I said, Walk your slutty ass back to Cameron"

" I will" she walks back. I roll my eyes and I lean agaisnt the wall.

Tia's pov

I sat beside Cameron.

" Everything alright?" he asks.

" Yea. Everything is peachy." I smile.

" What should we do today?" Kian asks.

" I dont know. Maybe we could go to a water park?" Sam suggests.

" Of course!" I yell.

" YEAH!" Nash says running in.

" Never mind. Im not going" I play with my fingers.

" But Tia, its not going to be fun without you" Cameron says taking my hand.

" Its fine. I can stay here alone while you all go." I try smiling. Why does Nash ruin everything?

" Are you sure?" JC asks.

" Yea. Im sure"

" Im staying to" Cameron says.

" No, Cammy, if you want to have fun, go have fun. Im not trying to keep you from having fun."

" No, I want to stay here with you. We can fin something fun" he smirks.

" AND YOU DONT CALL THAT PERVY?!" Nash screams. I look at him.

" Shut. Up." I look back at Cameron.

" Whatever. Lets go. I cant stand being here any longer." Nash says walking out and up the stairs. The rest of the boys exept Cameron walk up the stairs. Cameron gets closer to me.

" I used to hate you. But know.... I dont know why im so crazy for you" he chuckles.

" Well, you did kill my sis- Nevermind. Lets not bring that up"  I giggle.

" Yea, lets not" he kisses my cheek.

" What are we going to do today? Play a board game, build a for?" I ask.

" OH MY GOD THE GROUND IS LAVA!" He yells jumping up on the couch. I start to laugh. I stand up on the couch. I jump to the next couch causing me to fall face first on the rest of the couch.

' Oh, Tia you ok?" he asks me.

" Yea. Im fine" I giggle while getting up. Cameron jumps to the couch im on. He falls ontop of me causing me to fall back down. He lays ontop of me. Our eyes meet.

" You have gorgeous eyes" he says smiling.

" You do to" I giggle. He smiles and leans down and kisses my lips.

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