Come with Me.

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Tia's pov

I heard boys whispering. I decide to listen.

" What do we tell her about the dare?" Nash asks. What dare?

" I dont know. Lets just hope she dosnt tell anybody" Cameron says. Well if course Im going to tell somebody.

" Duude she's awake" Shawn whispers. I slowly get up and rub my head. I look at my waist. The stick is still in.

" damnit.." I whisper.

" Take me to a damn hospital" I damand.

" Then what are you going to tell them?" Cameron says.

" That 9 guys kidnapped me over a dare so I ran for my damn life but I fell and I landed on a stick"

" WHAT?!" Cameron yells.

" Nothing. Dont take me to a damn hosptial" I lay back down.

" You heard us talking about a dare?" Nash says as he looks over my face.

" Yea. You guys talk like youre at a loud concert"

" Shit...." Matt whispers.

" So what is the dare?"

" Matt dared Cameron to kidnapp someone in your building. So he did. Well. We did." Nash answers for Cameron and Matt.

" SO YOU PHYCOS KIDNAPED ME FOR A FUCKIN DARE?!" I jolt up. They nodd. I smack my face.

" Can I atleast say goodbye to Sierra."

" Yea. Will! Go back to the neighbourhood where we got Tia!" Nash yells. Will turns around and heads back. I lay down. I put my knees up to my face. I close my eyes.
40 mins later

I feel the truck come to a stop. I sit up and I rub my eyes. The boys hop out and help me out.

" Where did Sierra go?" Cameron asks putting his hands on his waist.

" My grandma's. Follow me." I start to walk to her house. I am infront. I hear the boys fooling around. I hear running behind me.

" Hey" Shawn says as he walks beside me.

" Hi Shawn"

" Sorry about all this. We can get a little crazy."

" You guys can get way more then crazy" I turn into my grandma's laneway. I walk up to the door. All the guys make a wall so I cant run. I look at them. Then Shawn. He smiles. I turn back to the door. I knock 4x. It opens. I look and see my grandma. She smiles then looks at the boys. She frowns. I look at the boys then back at my grandma.

" Hey grandma. I need to see Sierra."

" Yea ok." She walks into the house. I wait. I see Sierra run up to the door. When she see's me, she jumps up and huggs me.

" Hey princess"

" TIA!!!" She says while lauging. I hug her so tight.

" Tiaaa?" She starts shaking. I look at the boys.

" Sierra, Im going to be gone for awhile." I hear her starting to cry.

" I know baby, I dont want to go either. But I have to ok? I need you to be strong and take care of granny" I start to cry.

" Noo no no I dont want you to go!" she cries in my shoulder. I look at the boys who are covering thier mouths with their hands.

" Ok Sierra, I have to go now." I try to get her off. She dosnt let go.

" Sierra, Please." Cameron comes and pulls her off me.

" NOOOO TIA!!" She screams. She cries.

" Im sorry Sierra." I whisper. I turn to Shawn and I cry in his chest. I hear Cameron moan. I look and he is on the ground holding his boy ppart. Sierra runs to me and hugs my legs. I pick her up. My grandma comes out. She takes Sierra off me.

" WHY CANT I GO WITH TIA!" Sierra yells. I cover my face with my hands and I cry. I feel Nash wrap  his arms around me. I cry in his sshoulder.

" Why cant she  come with me?" I turn to Cameron.

" Fine! SHE can come! But im not feeding her!" He says getting up and holding his penis. My grandma hands Sierra to me. I hug her tight. She cries in my shoulder. I look at my grandma. I walk to her and we have a group hug.

" Bye grandma. Take care of Grandpa" She nodds. We let go of the hug. I turn to the boys still holding Sierra. She has the most fragile body. I never want to let her be on her own. We walk back to the truck. I set Sierra on the bed. I sit beside her. She lays her head on my lap. I take a blanket and I put it on her. All the boys get in. Will starts to drive.

" Go to sleep Sierra."

" I need a lulaby" she says as she snuggles closer to me. I clear my throut.

" do you wanna build a snow man, come on lets go and play, I never see you anymore, comeout the door. Its like youve gone away"

" We used to be best buddies. And now were not. I wish you could tell me why. Do you wanna build a snow man?" I sang part oof the song before I hear her snore lightly. I look at the boys who are also sleeping. I giggle alittle bit. I pick Sierra up and I lay her on a pillow. I lean on the wall of the truck. I close my eyes and I fall asleep.

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