Last Goodbye

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Cameron's pov

Cuddling with Sierra is the best. Not that I lovs her, its just that she is so cute and she looks a lot like Tia. Tia is not cute. She is beautiful. But I dont love her. She brings to much attention. She babies Sierra.

" I do not baby Sierra you dick" Tia says as she gets out of the bed.

" Did I say that outloud?"

" No shit sherlock. I cant stand being in the same room with you. Im leaving." She gets up and storms out of the room.

Tia's pov

I ran out of the room and went to Nash and Matt's room. I opend the door and walked to the couch. Nash got up fast and looked at me.

" What are you doing in here?" He asks.

" Camerons being a dick."

" Come here. Lay with me." He says as he pats a spot next to him.

" Im fine on the couch. Thanks Nash. I'd rather not"

" commmmmeeee heeeeere Tia" he wimpers.

" Fineeeee" I say as I slouch up and I walk to his bed. I lay beside him but not cuddling with him.

" thats better" He says as he tries to get closer. I look at him weird.

" Nash. Uhhhh. what are you doing?"

" Trying to cuddle. Im cold."

" FINEEEEE" I move closer. He wraos his arms around my waist and I lay my head on his chest.

" now get some sleep princess"

" No haha you get some sleep prince" I chuckle little bit. I close my eyes and I fall asleep.

- Next day-

I woke up still in his arms. I look up at him. He is still sleeping. I get up slowly and I look at Matt who is laying on the floor with his butt in the air. I burst out laughing making Nash wake up.

" whats wrong?" he asks.

" Look...... at....... Matt!" I say between laughs. He looks down and he starts to laugh. Everyone runs in.

" Why are you guys laughing?" Aaron asks looking at us like we are insane

" Look at Matt" Nash says holding his stomach.

" That isnt even funny" Cameron says. I get up and I look at him.

" Where is Sierra?" I ask looking around.

" Still in the room. I put her in the bath."

" YOU LEFT HER ALONE IN THE BATHTUB!" I say getting up and running back to our room. I slam the door open and I run to the bathroom. I charge to the bathroom to see the water still going and Sierra under the water not moving. I run to her and I pull her up.

" Sierra wake up." I say slapping her face lightly.

" SIERRA!" I say between sobs. All the boys run in and gasp.

" Sierra princess please wake up." I shaker her. I pick her up bridal style. I lool at Cameron.

" WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!" I charge past them running out of the room. I run down the hall.

" WAIT! SIERRA IS NAKED!" I hear Matt yell. I stop. I turn around to see Nash handing me a towel. I wrap it around her body.

" CAMERON YOU MONSTER!" I run down the stairs and into the lobby and out the doors. I run down the the hospital across the hotel. I charge in and I run to the counter.

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