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Camerons pov

I sat beside Tia. She just got out of sugery. They are doing tests right now. Tia hasnt moved once. I sit there. My hand in her hand. Nash, Carter, Taylor, Matthew, Shawn,Austin, Johnson, Gilinsky, Hayes, Will, Sam, Kian, JC, Ricky and Aaron all walked in. I dont bother to take my eyes off Tia.

" Cam.... How is she?" Nash whispers.

" What does it look like?"

" Is she breathing?"

" No, Nash.She hasnt moved" I hold her hand tighter. Nash walks over and kneels down on the side of the bed away from me. Everybody else stood at the edn on the bed. 

" I havnt seen her in forever. She dosnt look different" Hayes says. I chuckle.

" I really hope she will do ok" Nash sniffs. I look at him. 

- 10 Minutes later-

The doctor walked in holding a clipboard. We all get up and surround him. He looks at us.

" Due to the hit, her bones are completely shattered. If she makes it, she will be paralized for life. If she dosnt make it... there will be nothing we can do."

" She will make it. You cant say she wont cause she will. She has to." Nash says. The doctor looks at him. I look back at Tia. She still hasnt moved.

Tias pov

I woke up. Im laying in the hospital bed. Cameron and the others are sleeping around the room.

" GUYS WAKE UP!" I scream giggling. I stand up and I reach out to Cameron. I reach for his arm. My hand goes through him. I pull back fast.

"What??" I say confused. I look back at the bed to see my body. I slowly walk towards myself.

" Whats going on?" I look around.

" HELP!" I scream so loud I pop my ear drum. No one wakes up. The door opens and a bright girl walks in. I cover my eyes. The light goes down. I look at her. 

" Grandma?" I smile.She smiles back.

" Hey Tia." she smiles.

" Whats going on?" I ask her.

" You're in heaven. Like me. And the others"

" The others?" I say confused. She moves out of the way of the door. I look at it confused. Sierra runs in. I cover my mouth smiling.


"TIAA!" She giggles. I pick her up and I swing her around. Kate runs in.

" KATE!!"" I smile. I set Sierra down and I pick Kate up.

" Oh my gosh, I missed you so so so so much!" I kiss her cheeks over and over. I look at the door to see Grampa. I set Kate down. He smiles at me. I smile back.

" Hey gramps" I walk to him smiling so wide. He pulls me into a hug. We hug so tight I cant breath. I giggle. I let the hug go.

" Its time for your choice" My Grandma says. I look at he confused.

" Choice for what?"

" Life. You have a choice. You can choose to go back and be paralized for life. Or you can stay here. With us. Live free. All you have to do is walk out that door. Then your free" she smiles.

" What about the boys?" I look back at them.

" Nothing will happen to them." Grandma says.

" I think I want....." I look at Sierra and Kate. My 2 lovely sisters. I look at my Grampa. Then my Grandma. I smile.

" I want to stay with you guys. My real family." I feel bad for picking that. But I dont want to back to the world. The cruel world. My Grandma nods.

" Shall we head?" she says taking Grampa's hand. Kate and Sierra hold each others hands and they all walk to the door. I look back. My Grandma snaps her fingers. Everything looks real. I stand there with my family at my side. I hear a long high pitched beep. I look at my body. Im gone. Cameron wakes up in a flash. He looks around. Then at my body. He stands up.

" No no no no no no no no" he says taking my hands.

" Wake up. Please WAKE UP!" He screams. Everyone wakes up. My eyes start to blur. I blink. Tears rush down my face. Everyone jolts towards me. I see Nash. On his knees crying. The doctors run in. Pushing through the guys. I wipe my face. Getting rid of some tears. Kate takes my hand. I look down at her and I smile. A doctor pushes Cameron away from my body. He tries to get back to me.

" TIA NO!!" He cries out. More doctors run in. They pull all the boys away and out of the room. Cameron tries to push them off him.

" NOOOOOOOOO!" He screams. Nash pulls him away.

" CAMERON, SHE IS GONE! THERE IS NOTHING you can do now." He says with eyes full of tears. Cameron and him make eye contact. Nash wraos his arm around his neck and they both walk out. I follow them. The doctors close the door. Cameron falls in Nashs chest. He sobs loudly. I start crying myself.

" Its alright Tia. Its hard the first time" Sierra says.

" I need to use the bathroom"Cameron says pushing himself off Nash. He slops down walking down the hallway. I follow him. He wipes his eyes and opens the bathroom door. I walk in also. He gets to the sink and looks in the mirror. I slowly walk around the corner. I look in the mirror. I dont see myself. Cameron leans over the sink crying. I walk up to him watching him.

" Im sorry Cameron. Im so sorry" I whisper in his ear. I walk out. Wiping my tears away. I reach where all the other boys are. Everyone is crying. Nash is leaned agaisn the wall. Hugging Hayes.

"  I love you Nash" I say walking past him. I walk down the hall to my family. They smile. I smile back. Kate and Sierra take my hands and we all walk into the light.

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