Falling for Cameron?!?!?!?!

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Camerons pov

We all had lots of fun throwing balloons at eachother. I saw somethings I didnt want to see. But so what, we were naked. I needed a tan anyways. 

"We should throw a suprise party for Tia and Nash" Matt says pulling his pants up and siting on the couch.

" LETS DO IT!!!" Sam yelling getting up and running out of the living room. I chuckle.

" We could all play Truth or Dare!" Shawn screams. I cover my ears as they start to ring"

" We should get started. They come home in 40 mins and its already...... 7:30" I say looking at my phone. Everybody stands up and walks around the house gettting everything prepared. I sit in the living room. Awkwardly. I look at the ground. I squeez my fingers together.

" Dude, you ok?" Taylor asks sitting beside me.

" Y-yea im..... fine." I smile at him.

" No, you're not fine. Whats up?" he asks. I chuckle.

" I think..... im uh... falling for Tia....." 

" Thats ok. Don't be embarrassed." He smiles. I smile back feeeling better

" Thanks Tay" I get up and walk into the kitchen. Sam is eating a taco.

" Where did you get that?" I laugh. He smiles.

" The fridge" he says with a mouth-full of taco.

" I don't remember buying tacos.... or making any"

" It was there. I was hungry. Soooooooo I took it" he takes another bite. I walk out into the dining room. Aaron is twerking on the table while Matt pretends to throw money at him. They look at me. Aaron stops in embarrassment.

" Its fine... keep twerking" I laugh walking out. We hear the car pull in the driveway.

" EVERBODY FUCKING HIDE!" Kian yells running then jumping behind the couch in the living room. We all hide in different spots. I shut the lights off. I run behind the coat rack. I hear the door open and Tia laughing. I smile at her adorable laugh.

Tia's pov

It was dark and quiet. Nash and I steped in at the same time.

" Where is everybody?" Nash asks turning the lights on. As soon as he does, everybody pops out from behind furniture.

" SUPRISE MUTHA FUCKA!" Everybody yells. I cover my ears.

" Whats all this?" Nash says walking into the living room.

" A suprise party? Duh!" Carter yells.

" What for?" I ask following Nash. Cameron wallks in the living room.

" Nothing speical. Just a party for you guys" Aaron says. I smile.

" Thanks" Nash and I both say at the same time. Matt stands up on the table.


" Wait, wheres Austin?" I ask. Everybody looks around.

" I have noooooooooooooooooo idea" Cam says.

" IM HERE!" He says holding a beer bottle.

" Have you been, drinking?" I say taking it from him.

" Jusssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssst a lifffffle. Nawt a lot. Maybe free ( 3 ) or four" he says going crossed eyed. I rolll my eyes.

" Dammit Austin." I say getting closer to Nash. He wraps his arm around my waist.

We all sit in a circle. Austin went to lay down in Cams room. We all looked at each other and smiled.

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