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Camerons pov

I turn around. Nash is standing there.

" What the hell is going on here?" Nash says closing the door and walking close to me.

" Dont get mad Nash. You know im better than you. You should be jealous." I said.

"  Wait. So you used me Cameron?" Tia asks.

" Well...... Ummmmm"

" Are you kidding me!?" She says.

" Yea I used you. Just to make Nash jealous."

" How could you do this Cameron?" Tia says grabbing her clothes and walking out still wraped in the towel.

" Ass hole" Nash says walking out after Tia. I stood there. Looking in the mirror.

" I cant believe him" Tia says. I look around. What have I done. I am making her live hard to live through. I rush my fingures through my hair.

Nash's pov

Tia and I sat on the bed. Her clothes are on her now. She changed while I watched. She didnt care anymore. We sat there. Not talking.

" Do..... Do you love me?" She asks looking at me.

" Of course I do. Youre the one I will always love." I put my hand on her thigh.

" Why me" she says putting her hand on her eyes.

" What do you mean?"

" Why does everything bad happen to me??"

" I dont know." I say. Cameron walks out of the bathroom. He looks at Tia. Then me. He clenches his fists. He walks out and slams the door.

" Follow me" she says taking my hand and standing up. I get up and we walk out of her room and down the hall. We stop at a white door with drawing all over it. She opens the door and bright pink walls blinde my eyes. We step in.

" This is Sierra's room." she says letting my hand go.

" Its so bright" I say blinking acouple times. She chuckles.

" This is wear she would scream. When she had nightmares." she points to a closet with a mini rocking chair and blankets everywhere. Tia walks around the room and sits on a little pink bed. She feels it.

" This is where she would sleep" She stands up and walks to a little table with a mirror and everything a 4 year old would die for.

" this is where I would do her hair. She always loved how I did braids." She picks up a pruple brush. I walk to her. I place my hand on her shoulder. I see the boys walk in. They look at Tia.

" This is Sierra's room" I say. They look around.

" who is this?" Carter asks holding a picture up of 3 boys. Tia looks at him and smiles.

" those are Sierra's friends. She never liked having girls as friends. She always thought boys were her type" Tia says walking to a box. She picked it up and set it on the bed. She pulled out a large picture of a bunch of people.

" this is our whole family. And that is...... Our dad." she points to a over weight guy. His shirt dosnt cover his whole stomach.

" who is she?" Jack G asks pointing to a tall blonde girl.

" My cousin, Brooklyn" She says.

" she is hawt" he says.

" Jack!" I yell.

" Sorry"he says

" Its fine. She is a slut anyways."

" Is that Sierra?" I ask pointing to a little girl in a purple summer dress. Tia shakes her head. She points to Sierra.

" They are twins. Sierra and Kate" she says.

" Wait. Sierra had a twin?" Jack J asks.

" Yea."

" what happend to her?" Aaron asks.

" She..... Umm" Tia covers her mouth.

" She passed away after...."

" After what."

"  Kate stood infront of Sierra while our dad had a huge knife. He threatnd Sierra. Kate got in the way. He threw the knife. And it.... Hit Kate" He drops the picture and covers her face with her hands. She sobs.

" Who does that?!" Taylor yells.

" my dad does." she says.

" How old were they?" Matt asks.

" They were both-" We hear the front door open. Tia runs down the hall and down the stairs. We follow.

Tia's pov

I ran to the front door. I looked around and saw my mom in the livimg room. I walked slowly towards her.

" TIA!" She yells running to me. She hugs me tight.

" Hey mom" I let go. She looks at the enterence of the door. I turn and see all the boys standing there.

" Tia?" my mom says.

" sit down. I will explain everything." I say. she nodds. We all walk to the couches and we sit. I sit beside Nash and Taylor. My mom sits on the chair facing me.

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