chapter 2

990 19 7

(c/n) city name



"Hello everyone and welcome back to my channel! Today I am with the amazing Jenna Marbles! How are you?" I said the way a therapist would.

"Well. You know, I've been really good. I'm very happy." She said like a patient in therapy.

We started laughing and tried to calm ourselves down. After a few minutes, we calmed down and continued.

"Okay. So what me and Jenna are gonna do today is......wait for it.....make the best cat tower and the best dog house ever!" I yelled.

I love my dog Coco. She's a brown and white Chihuahua. And my cat Strudel. She's anAbyssinia.

"I saw your video on making a tiny living room for your dogs and making tiny things for your hamster, so I had the brilliant idea of doing something for my pets."

"And you wanted to do it with me." She giggled.

"I did. Because you are an expert with everything that has to do with pets." I smiled at the camera.

We filmed us getting everything ready and showed my dog and cat.

"Hi babies. How you doing?" Jenna awed and laughed.

"They are so cute." I giggled.

"Coco. Jenna. Jenna. Coco. Strudel. Jenna. Jenna. Strudel."

"Hi babies. Can I have them. I love them."

"What if our dogs play together. Strudel would probably sleep."

Jenna gasped and laughed saying yes.

After a while, we finally got to building. It was actually starting out pretty good. We would make some jokes here and there. We almost got hurt a few times, but we always laughed. About and hour passed, but we finished. We let my pets test them out and they were a success. Jenna and I jumped with joy that it worked.

"Okay. This was a success." I said dramatically.

"I am surprised. I thought it would break." She smiled.

"I know!" We laughed for a few seconds.

"Well. I call this successful, but the end...of a lovely video. Leave a like and subscribe if you haven't already, check out Jenna's channel and subscribe to her. She makes hilarious videos. And that is a goodbye. See you next time. Bye."

"Bye." Jenna chuckled.

We stopped the video and gave each other a high five.

An hour or two of editing went by and Jenna went home soon after. I uploaded the video and checked out the channels I'm subscribed to.

I watched a few and saw one that made me...I don't know. I got nervous.

This was posted a few days ago. played the video and saw everyone.

"Hey guys. We wanted to tell you that we are going on tour. We are staying in the U.S." The tall blonde spoke.

"If you wanna know where we are gonna be, check the description box below." The girl spoke.

"We hope to see you all!" The African American said.

"And V.I.P tickets will go fast so pre-order some at our our website." The cute brunette said.

"Hope to see you all there and yeah." The one with the deep voice said.

"Bye." The 5 said at the same time.

My old friends. I miss them. A lot.  I wonder if they're gonna preform in (c/n).  Description box. Search search search. Let's see. Oh. Oh my God. They are. They are! They're preforming in (c/n)! Oh my. Okay. I have to go. I need to see them again. But would they remember me? Probably not. They probably can't even remember how they came up with the name, the girl who messed up a lot. Their friend. The one who left. Okay. No tears y/n. There shall be no tears.

I hold in my tears and order the V.I.P. tickets. There were very few left. Thank God I got them. Even if they don't remember me, I can still see them. I can be happy with that.


Thank you guys so much for reading. hope you enjoyed the chapter.



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