chapter 10

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Mitch and I explained what happened to Scott since he was obviously thinking.....certain thoughts. It was funny when the others came in and Scott told them what he saw. They all gasped, looked at me, then looked at Mitch in a questioned way. We then had to explain to them what happened so they didn't think what Scott was thinking. They all let out air they were holding in. Mitch and I avoided eye contact a few times 'cause we were thinking about what the others were thinking before we explained everything to them. It was awkward and the others made fun of us for it. We all ate and Kirstie wanted to talk to me about something. I wonder what she wants to talk about.

"Whatcha wanna talk about?"

"Mitch." She plainly said. I blushed!

"I knew it! You like him!"

"W-what? No I don't." Good job me. Stutter on the first word.

"Yes you do. All I had to do was say his name and you blushed and stuttered." She proudly said.

"No. I don't."

"Come on. I know you. You've always had a thing for him." How did she know!


"I know you have. Even though the two of you didn't get along before, you still liked him. I know this because of the way you acted towards him. The way you acted when you around him."

Damn. She seems really happy.

"So what if I did. He'll never like me anyway. So there's no point in trying." I shrugged.

"I know. But you just admitted you like him." She started to walk off.

"No I didn't!" I smiled and went back to the others.

We sat down and Mitch said that we should go out to club or a bar. We all agreed, even though I don't really drink, I would probably drive. We all waited 'til 7pm.

Once 6:30 came by, we all started to get ready. Avi and Kevin were done first, Kirstie, Scott, Mitch, then me. We all headed out to the nearest club. Once we walked in, there were bright, colorful lights, loud music and a bunch of people dancing. Avi, Kevin and Kirstie went dancing, while I went with Mitch and Scott to watch them get drunk. After a few beers, Scott was tipsy and dancing while drinking, and Mitch was full blown drunk. I laughed as they danced like idiots. The bar tender asked if I wanted anything, but I said no. He nodded and went to the next person. They asked for a beer, but they sounded so familiar. I looked over and recognized him. I think that's......Dakota?

He looked at me and looked at me with the same look I gave him.


"Dakota?" I smiled.

Dakota was one of the guys that was part of my backup group in high school. He was so cool. And I may have had feelings for him that started Junior year.

We hugged and we were really happy. We started talking about high school and what happened after. He watches my channel so that's cool. He's working at Spencer's. (if you don't know what that is, it's a place at a mall. The back of the place is......weird. Inappropriate. Yeah.) I laughed and asked him why chose to work there. He said that he really wanted to see people's reactions when they went to the back. Then he said he actually liked the job.

"Can I get a discount for knowing you?" I'm joking obviously.

"Well. Don't tell anyone, but I'll give you one just for you." He winked in a playful way.

"Thanks." I said while giggling.

"Hey,  who are you here with?" He asked.

"Just with some old friends."

"You mean the ones you left in high school?"


"How did you meet up?"

"I don't think they would want their identity known since I'm friends with them."

"I know they're Pentatonix." He said while smiling.

"Well then. I met them at a concert. They recognized me as Y/t/n. Then they said I looked familiar asked for my real name. I willingly told them since we were friends." I said.

"Cool. So you live near here?"

"No. They actually let me stay with them for as long as I wanted."

"Awesome! So who are you gonna stay with?"

"Um. I'm not sure. But if anything, probably with Scott and Mitch since Mitch has been offering a lot lately."

"He probably feels bad about what he said."

"Oh yeah. I forgot I told you about that." I smiled.

We continued to talk for hours and he asked me for my number so we could hang out sometime. I gave him my number and he texted so I could save his number in my phone. Of course I blushed when we hugged. He's cute okay. I mean, not Mitch cute, but still really cute. Maybe he can be the one to take my mind off of never getting with Mitch. Just as long and he likes me too.


Thanks for reading!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!



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