chapter 3

944 24 15

(f/f) - fave food



Okay. They're preforming here last on a Saturday. Today is a Saturday. They're preforming in a week. I should be okay. I can prepare. But what if I make a fool of myself when I see them? Knowing me, I probably will.

I just need to eat to keep calm. Okay. What do I have to eat. Hmm. The usual. Ohhh! (f/f). That's what I'm talking about. Nice.

I sat back down on my couch and ate my (f/f). I smiled. This is amazing. This is why I have my house stocked with this. I continued to eat and decided to go on twitter. I saw that a lot of people posted pictures of the PTX concert. I smiled. I stayed on twitter for a while, then went to YouTube. I saw that Shane Dawson posted a new conspiracy theory video. I always have a hard time sleeping if I watch them at night. (I actually can't sleep well) It was still light out, and it was gonna be that way for a while. I started the video. Then..... There was....... An AD!!

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME! STUPID ADS!" I huffed and the ad finished.

Mind you, it was a long one that I couldn't skip. So of course I'm gonna yell.

The video started and the music sent shivers down my spine. Like usual. It was a while before the video ended and I scrolled through his channel. I then saw the first video we did together. It was so fun. We did a try not to laugh challenge. I laughed  a few times, but not a lot. I sometimes watch the video when I'm sad or just in the mood. I tend to watch the videos I did with other YouTubers- Oh my God! Crap. I forgot I have to make a video today. Ugh. I am way out of it today.

I got my camera set up and got the lighting right. Then I started recording.

"Hello everyone and welcome back to my channel! Today I actually forgot that I was supposed to make a video and just remembered about 10 minutes ago. But I am here now and sorry the video is late. But onward to what I'm gonna do. I am going to try to make a cake. A mirror glaze cake though. A chocolate one too. I am slightly scared."

I smiled awkwardly and made a groan. Note to self. Zoom in on face as I do that. I continued with the video and had fun. Then the final product came up and I laughed.

"Oh God! This is not what I expected. In fact. It's WORSE!" I laughed every time I looked at it.

The glaze did not set right at all! Ugh. Fails. At least it'll be entertaining.

"Wow. Well. Let's see how it tastes." I cringed as I brought a piece of cake to my mouth.

I closed my eyes. I put it in really fast (the cringe is real) and chewed slowly. I opened my eyes and nodded my head a little. I smiled and looked at the camera.

"That is not that bad-" Gag. Just gags.

"Oh. My. The aftertaste! What have I done to this cake!" I spit it out in the trash can.

I walked off the read the instructions and came back. I'll just cut that out.

"Okay. So I read the ingredients, and I did nothing wrong. With the amount of ingredients. My problem was this. *raise chocolate wrapper*. Yeah. The the dark chocolate I used was the most bitter one. I didn't mean to get the one that was the most bitter!"

I laughed , talked more, ate more for my fans. They love to see me suffer. I then said my outro a few minutes later, and ended to video.

I sighed and got to editing. And it wasn't as much as I thought. After about 20 minutes, I finished editing and I uploaded it. I smiled and relaxed.

I watched some Sponge Bob and laughed. After a few hours, a fell asleep.


"Hey Y/n!" Kirstie yelled from across the hall.

"Hey Kirstie. Where's everyone else?" I smiled.

"Oh. Helping Mitch get ready."

"Ready for what?" What is she talking about.

"Prom silly! Mitch is going with Tiffany." She smiled.

"But I thought he was... you know." I raised an eyebrow.

"No. He decided he was strait a month ago. So he asked Tiffany. He's had a thing for her for a little bit now." She smiled.

What? When did this happen. And who's Tiffany? I don't remember a Tiffany. 

Tears threaten to spill. I've liked Mitch for a while and I thought we would never get together because of him being gay. But I had a chance. But no. He hates me. He'll never like me. He likes this Tiffany.

"Oh. Cool. Yeah." I gave a fake smile.

"I know! I was wondering if you wanted to help him get ready." She smiled widely.

"Um. I-I don't know about that."

"Why not? It would help if I had another clothes expert with me."

"I can't." Why would I want to help?

"Why? I thought you would wanna help." She frowned.

My mood changed.

"Let me rephrase. I don't want to!" I shouted at her. I didn't mean to though.

"Why are you yelling at me?" She cowered.

"Because you keep asking why!" I poked her chest.

"I-I'm s-sorry." She started to cry.

"I hate this so much!" She looked confused.

"What?" she said quietly.

"Nothing." I rolled my eyes and started walking away.

She grabbed my wrist. Her cheeks stained with tears.

"What do you hate? That Mitch is strait? That he has a date to the prom? That he found someone he likes! You should be happy for him (y/n)!" She yelled.

"I can't be happy for him!"


"BECAUSE I LIKE HIM OKAY!" I breathed heavily and widened my eyes.

Damn it! I didn't want to say it. Now she knows. She nodded her head and looked down.

"Y/n?" Crap.

I turned around and saw Mitch. Oh no.


OH MY GOD! OH. HOLY CRAP. Oh. Wow. Thank God that was a dream.


Thank you so much for reading!

This was longer than I expected.

Sorry about that



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