chapter 37

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It's been silent for a whole minute!

Oh man! What is he gonna say!? What if he remembers and says,

'Sorry I said I like you. I was drunk. I didn't mean it.'

Or something like that!?

God, PLEASE help me!

"What did you need to tell me?" What will he say?

"Umm. Well, I um."

I look down and I try not to think of the worst that could happen, but tears try to form in my eyes. I don't look up so he doesn't notice, and thankfully, he doesn't.

He continues to stutter and try to think of something to say. He takes the pills for his headache I brought for him a minute ago, and drinks water to help wash it down. I laugh a little, tears fully formed.

I look up, and he looks....concerned.

"A-are you okay? What's wrong?"

I look away for a second, sniffling a little bit, then turn back to him.

"Yeah. I'm f-fine." What else am I supposed to say?

I don't want to ask,

'Do you really like me?'

Or ask if he meant what he said.

"You sure? You can tell me. I'm here for you, and I won't judge you. I promise." He's so sweet an amazing. Do I want to risk our friendship by asking if he likes me?

"Do you really like me?"

I did it.

Do I regret it?


Whatever he says, I'll make sure it doesn't ruin what we have.

Because he's too important to me.


Silence is what's around us right now. Words aren't being said.


"I understand. You were drunk and you didn't know what you were saying. It's stupid you know. Why would you like me. There's not really anything about me that's special. I'm just a person that's in your life and that's that-"

My breath hitched. Before I could say anything else, Mitch had stood up, walked up to me, and held my face in both of his hands, looking into my eyes deeply.

Something was going to happen.

I can feel it.

My stomach turning with excitement, love, fear.

Something was gonna happen, and it was gonna be good.



I'm so sorry for not updating!!!!!

School has been extremely stressful for the passed few months!!!

I'm sorry

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