chapter 16

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Mitch and I are STILL ON THE FLOOR! We talked about random things for a while, then we heard the door start to open. Mitch quickly got off and we stayed sitting on the floor. Strudel came running into my arms and we sat there trying to look casual. I was petting her and she hissed a few times at Mitch.

"Ey. Be nice." While I was trying to get Strudel to be nice to Mitch, Scott was staring at us.

"Why on the floor?" I jumped a little and smiled.

"Well earlier, Strudel pretty much attacked Mitch so I'm trying to get her to be nice."

"Again. Why the floor though?"

"Right. Well, I think floor level with make her more comfortable." I smiled.

"Okay. Oh. I got some ice cream and wine."

Scott walked into the kitchen and put the ice cream away but left the wine out. Mitch got up so fast and ran to the wine. He opened it and poured himself a glass of wine. He sat down on the couch and I let Strudel play with Coco. I sat next to Mitch and Scott came over with a glass of wine. We talked for a few minutes until I got a call from Dakota.

"I gotta take this." Mitch and Scott nodded and I walked away.

I went into my room and answered the phone.

"Hey. What's up?" I asked smiling.

"Can I come pick you up? I wanna hang out."

"What about work?"

"Oh. I don't work on Wednesdays."

"Oh. Cool. Um. Sure. I can hang out. What time?"

"I'm on my way."

"Wow. You excited."

"Yes! I'm bored!"

"Okay okay. I'll get ready."

"Okay. Bye."

I said my goodbye and put on some skinny jeans and a white top. I grabbed my phone that I tossed on the bed after I hung up with Dakota and got 30 dollars just in case we went somewhere. I don't need to do my hair. It's okay enough to call it decent. I went back to the living room and saw 2 drunk guys. How much did they drink. I looked over to the kitchen counter and saw that the whole wine bottle was empty. Jeez. I sat next to Mitch and he gasped.

"What?" I asked looking at him confused.

"You look wonderful. Get me cheese." He said blankly.

"Okay Mr. Bossy Pants."

"Make sure it's shredded!" He yelled.

"Got it!" He's too much sometimes but it's fine.

I shredded some cheese, more like almost the whole block of cheese, and gave it to Mitch on a plate.

"Yas queen!" Mitch yelled and started eating it.

I laughed and looked over at Scott. He was looking at he back of his phone laughing.

"What are you laughing at?"

"These two guys look like us." It was the freakin' SuperFruit phone case.

"Noooo." I said sarcastically. He looked at me and got up.

He started walking towards me. What is he doing? Oh crap!

He sat on me and stated laughing like a maniac. Oh boy.

"Ha! Y/n *hic* squishy." Scott said.

"She is!" Mitch yelled and shoved another handful of cheese in his mouth.

It was starting to get hard to breath so I pushed Scott off me, which wasn't that hard since he was drunk. He kinda just flopped over.

I heard a knock on the door. I got up and opened to see Dakota smiling.

"Hey. You ready?"

"Yeah."  I started to head out until I heard Mitch yell something.

"What's your *hic* password for your *hic* phone!?"

"What!" I quickly ran to get my phone.

"When did you get my phone?" I quickly got it out of his hand.

"When you pushed *hic* Scott." He smiled.

"Oh. Well I'm leaving so bye. Don't get into any trouble and don't get hurt!" I yelled as I walked out the door. I started to close it when Mitch opened it all the way and hugged me really tight.

"Mitch. What are you doing?" I giggled.

"Hugging you. I'm gonna *hic* miss you." It looked like he was about to cry.

"Awe. Mitch. I'm not leaving forever. I'll be back." I hugged him and let go.

"I promised." I smiled and he nodded.

He walked back into the house and closed the door. That was.....adorable. I smiled.

"What was that about?" Dakota said with a chuckle.

"Scott and Mitch are drunk." I smiled.

We left and went to his place. We watched a movie and had some food. Then I had a fun idea.

"Wanna make a video?"


"Well I'm thinking of posting videos everyday now and I was wondering if you wanted to be in a  video." 

"Hell yeah!" He yelled while jumping off the couch.

"Cool. Wanna head back to make it?"

"Yes!" He was like a little girl that just got what she wanted for Christmas. (or other holiday)

We turned everything off and headed to his car. We got in and drove back to the apartment and headed in. When we walked in, we saw Mitch and Scott on the floor passed out. I smiled and closed the door. Dakota and I headed to my room and I set up all the equipment. I decided to make it a Q&A. I tweeted out saying that I was doing a Q&A with a friend and to tweet your questions. A ton came in and I smiled. I turned on the camera and started the video. I did my intro and introduced Dakota.

After 10 minutes, I ended the video and started editing. Since it wasn't that long of a video, it didn't take a lot of time to edit. I uploaded it and it got a ton of views in the first few minutes and  a few people thought we would make a cute couple. Of course there were the people that tried to say that Mitch and I belonged together. Dakota and I kept laughing at that comments. We eventually stopped and went into the living room to see if Mitch and Scott were up. When we got there, Mitch was rubbing his head while trying to wake up Scott but he move in a way that made Mitch fall. Dakota and I looked at each other and started laughing. Mitch looked over at us and blushed.

I love these people so much.


Thank you so much for reading!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Sorry it took a while to upload!!! :/



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