chapter 36

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Okay okay. It's been three hours since he said he likes me and he's been sleeping for a little over two hours.

Scott found out what happened and I had to practically force him to clean up Mitch's vomit.

My mind is still blown. I can't believe he likes me. But I need to tell him too and soon-

"God damn!"

I think that's Mitch. Must have a hangover or something. I better go check on him.

Oh, but how will I face him!? He said he likes me and I like him too!

Fuck it! I'm going to him.


Ugh! My head is killing me. I shouldn't have drank that much. What even happened?


"- like you."

Oh shit. What did I say!? And who did I say it to?

Was it Scott? But was he even in the room? And why would I tell him that?

Oh man if I told y/n how I feel about her while drunk, I don't know what I'll do. Oh man, what am I gonna d-

"Hey Mitch. You okay?" Oh shit.

"Uh. Yeah. I-I-m fine."

"Does your head hurt?"

"Kind of." It hurts so bad.

"Kay. I'll get you some water and some painkillers."

"Thank you."

She gave me a sweet smile and left my room. Her smile is so sweet, you can get cavities. Haha. I'm too tired to make good jokes. Oh well.

I lay down and wait for her to come back. Then Scott came into my room.

"So. I heard what you told her yesterday." He said while wiggling his almost non-existent eyebrows.

"O- Oh yeah? What exactly was that?"

"You told her you like her, then threw up."

"Oh God. Have you guys been laughing at me about that."

"Not really. She doesn't even know I know you confessed. I was too busy fanboying in my room after I heard." He laughed a little, causing me to send a glare his way.

"You need to tell her since you're not drunk now."


"Hey guys." Oh she's back.

"Hey." Scott and I said at the same time.

"Whatcha guys talking about?"

"Mitch needs to tell you something." And just like that, Scott left.

Thanks for leaving Scott.

How do I tell her this now that I'm not drunk?

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