chapter 18

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Ugh. Mornings man. I hate them so much. Oh well. Gotta get up I guess. I got up and went to the bathroom and then walked back to my room to change. I put on a Adventure Time shirt on and a pair of denim shorts. I walked out to the living room and saw Scott watching tv. I smiled and sat on the couch next to him.

"So? How'd the date go?" He asked excitedly.

"It was amazing! There's this restaurant he took me to and it was awesome. I wanna take you and Mitch there." I said smiling.

"You should take us there. It sounds good."

We kept talking for a few minutes until Mitch came in looking really tired.

"Whats wrong? You look like you didn't get any sleep." I said.

"I didn't. I kept having bad dreams."

"What were they about?" I asked curiously.

"I don't remember that well. I just know it was bad. I think someone died or something. I don't know." He said trying to remember.


Okay. So that wasn't the truth. The truth is, I had a dream where y/n and Dakota got together and Dakota got her to hate me. It was horrible. I was crying in my dream and I would wake up with tears. In one dream, y/n and I were hanging out and she leaned in like she was gonna kiss me and I started to lean in too, but then she laughed evily and said 'why would I kiss you? You're gross you weirdo.' Then she got up and left. Like I'm gonna tell y/n That happened in my dream. She'll think I'm a weirdo or somethin. I still don't really know these feeling for her. But I think I'm coming to a conclusion. A conclusion that I like y/n. I kinda came to that conclusion but now i know its for sure. I know I know. I can't. But why not? Right, cause I'm gay. But why not like her? She's pretty, funny, and adorable. Any guy would be lucky to have her. But she wont like me. I mean come on. She's with Dakota. And she obviously likes him. I just......i just wish she liked me the same way. Oh well. I guy can dream can't he? While in my thoughts, y/n had walked out to make a video. Then Scott looked at me weird.

"You okay man?"

"I need to tell you something."

I'm gonna tell Scott I like y/n. He deserves to know. So, here goes nothing.

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