chapter 8

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I can't believe this. It's her. She's here. This is amazing and fabulous and.....and......AHHHHH! I don't even know how to process this situation! I can't believe that Y/t/n is Y/n and I can't believe she's here. And she said she missed us. I thought she would be pissed. But she's happy. And I'm happy too. But I still need to make things right with her.

We were all talking, then our security guard came in.

"Hey, we need to get going." He looked so tired.

"Okay." We all said.

"I better get going." Y/n said sadly.

"WHY DON'T YOU COME WITH US!" Scott yelled while getting coffee.

"W-what?" She was certainly surprised.

"Yeah! This was our last show. You can come with us." Kirstie smiled.

She looked like she was thinking. But it looked like the answer was yes. I hope she says yes.


Of course I wanna go with them!

"Uh. Well, yeah. Sure." They all hugged me and I hugged them back.

"Okay! Do you need anything from your place?" Mitch asked.

"Um. Yes. I need my camera and laptop, stuff like that. How long will I stay with you guys?"

"As long as you want!" Mitch yelled.

"Okay. Well let me go back home and get some stuff." I smiled.

"Did you drive." Kevin said while eating a donut.

"No. I walked since I live close enough."

They offered to drive and I said okay since I would bring a lot of stuff. Mainly film equipment. We got to my place in 2 minutes and I walked off the bus. I wonder where I'm gonna put everything. I'll figure it out. I just need help.

"I might need help." I smiled awkwardly.

"I can help." Mitch chimed in.

"Okay. Thanks Mitch." I smiled and we walked out.

It was a little awkward because of what happened that day. Even though it was in high school, it still wasn't that long ago. We walked inside and went to the elevator and the doors opened. Once they did, we stepped inside and they closed again. Then came a conversation.

"I'm sorry." Mitch looked down.

"What?" I know what he means.

"What I said to you that day. I'm sorry and I understand if you never forgave me."

"Mitch. I was never mad at you. Leaving was something I wanted to do for a while anyway."

"But it should have been on your own terms. Not because I said something stupid."

Mitch was on the verge of tears. I could never stand seeing him cry.

"Mitch. It's okay. Just know, that if I would have stayed, you guys would have never been here. Never would have became Pentatonix. Never would have become who you are now."

Now I'm almost crying. He smiled weakly and so did I. We hugged and the doors opened. That took a long time to get to my floor. But I do live on 12th floor. That was a bad decision. But it looked nice okay.

We made it to my door and I unlocked it. When we got inside, there were clothes thrown around, and dishes everywhere. Hey. I live alone. I don't have to worry about what others think. Until now, since Mitch is here.

"Wow. This place looked cleaner in that video you put up early in the morning." I giggled.

"Hey. I've been filming for a while now. I know how to get good angles." He chuckled.

We went into my room and got all my film equipment, packed my clothes and just put the dishes away so it had some sort of clean aspect to the place. I wonder when I'm coming back. Ah well. I don't care if I never do. But I won't count on it.


Thanks for reading. hope you enjoyed the chapter.



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