chapter 32

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Is it weird that I referenced vine, and then on superfruit, they redid their favorite vines? Idk. I'm tired and sick



  We reached the mall and I immediately wanted to go to Forever 21. Their clothes are great and at a good price. Some of the clothes, I just don't see myself wearing though, so it takes me a while. It may not fit everones style though, but hey, they have 10/10 prices. Overall, it's a pretty good store.

  I went to where the sweatpants were and found a few.

I guess I can take this blue one.

  I smiled and put it in a basket. I walked over to another section and got a few shirts. Then I picked out a pair of pants.

  While heading in line to pay, I saw Scott and Mitch looking at some clothes to, but didn't get anything. But why would they? The section they were in was for petite girls. I mean, maybe Mitch could fit in outfit, but Scott? No. Just no.

  It was finally my turn to pay for my stuff. Once done, we walked out. Then I started heading over to Hot Topic. I saw cute stuff like Pusheen and decided to get a Pusheen key chain. I also saw a nice wallet from one of my favorite (bands/artist). After that, I saw they had Pockey. Hell yeah!

  After paying and walking out, some girl walked by.

"And they were roommates."

  The three of us waited until she was a good distance away and we all said at the same time,

"Oh my God, they were roommates."

  We started laughing and walked into the food court. I got (f/f), and Scott and Mitch got their food. All of a sudden, some people came up to us.

"Oh my God! Can I get an autograph!?"

"I love you so much!"

"Can I get a picture with you!?"

"You guys are amazing!"

  Of course, this cause a lot of attention and more people came up to us.

  The one day we tell their body guard to not come with us!

  Oh well. I guess we have to put up with this. I'm surprised this didn't happen when I came here with Kirstie so I could talk with Dakota.

  Once done with like, 27 people, we could finally breath, and eat.

  We finished eating and decided to go home. But as we walked by Spencer's, I saw Dakota.

"Hey guys. I'll be right back."

  I walked away and ran into Spencer's.

"Dakota!" I happily yelled.

"Y/n!" He walked up to me.

"So. How are you?" He asked.

"Pretty good. How 'bout you?"

"I'm doing pretty good."

  We talked for about 5 minutes, before he had to finish up work. We said goodbye and I walked back to ma boys.

  We headed back home, once again, and talked about really random stuff. We talked about animals, people we hated and why, people that hated us but we didn't know why, then to food, then to clothes, then to vine. Then we continued talking about vine. It was nice. Today was a pretty good day.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter.



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