chapter 38 [FINAL]

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Here's the last chapter....


My face......cupped in his hands.

Our faces.....only a few inches apart.

His look piercing into my soul and silence surrounds us. Not an eery silence, or an comfortable silence.


As if your on top of a beautiful hill. Green grass swaying to the music that is the breeze. The sun, shining down, creating a warmth similar to being wrapped in a blanket during winter. Looking into the distance, all that is seen, is the blue sky. Plush clouds can be seen.

It's peaceful.

Mitch then speaks up.

"Don't ever say those things again. You aren't just a person in my life. You are everything in my life! You can turn my darkest times, into the brightest! You are amazing. You're talented, smart, and beautiful. I want you in my life. I need you in my life. I don't want to lose you again."

Tears form in his eyes from the painful memory of me leaving.

Tears form in my eyes from the beautiful words he said.

I lift my hand to grab his hand. I smile at him and chuckle.

"Mitch. I'm not going anywhere. You'll never lose me. You mean too much to me."

He smiles and looks down. I can still get a general expression from his face. He seems conflicted. It's as if he's trying to decide whether he should do something or not.

I stay silent, not wanting to interrupt his thoughts.

His thumb rubs my cheek softly. His pretty lips smile. He looks me in my eyes and I smile back. We continue to look into each other's eyes, time passing by. No words exchanged. It's was as if we were taking through our eyes.

I like you and you like me and we both know that.

I look down for a few seconds, just smiling.

Then everything happened.

He quickly gabbed my chin, making me look up. His face, that beautiful face of his coming closer.

I know what's happening. I know what's coming.

I close my eyes and lean in.

It happened.

Our lips, molding perfectly together, as if they were destined to be together. Moving in sync, the satisfying feeling of his soft lips on mine came over me.

His hands moved to my waist, as mine, moved to his hair, feeling it's soft texture. Everything about this is satisfying.

This moment is satisfying.

This kiss is satisfying.

After about 40 seconds, we needed air. We pulled apart, smiling,  then laughing a little bit.

It was amazing.

He then wraps his arms around my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck as we hug.

Still laughing, we pull apart.

"Hey, y/n?" He said, not laughing anymore.


"Would you be my girlfriend?"

"YES! A thousand times yes!"

We lean in, kissing once again, smiling.


I nod, signaling for him to continue.
He takes a deep breath and speeds again.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Mitch!"

Our lips molded perfectly again and moved against each other.

Thoughts of how this happened flooded my mind. Almost causing tears.


A week later, everybody went out to eat.

We had told Scott, but he already knew since he apparently listened to the whole conversation the whole time. The day after that, we told Kirstie, who screeched out of happiness. And we obviously told Avi and Kevin.

Everyone was so happy, and supportive, and life was great.

I'm happy where I am in life.

I have amazing friends, we're living well,

And I have Mitch, who will be by my side, as I'll be by his...

For as long as we live, well be with each other......

Happily living our lives.......



Thank you for reading this story.

It means a lot that you guys like it, and I'm very thankful.

I love all of you.

Mitch Grassi x Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now