chapter 29

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When will this story end!?!?!



Okay. P.o. box...check!!!!! Mitch helped me set up the p.o. box and I'm so happy. Now I can tell people.

Once we got home, I went on my phone and said I had a P.o. box and I put the address on every social media I had. I got a few responses after 30 seconds, but once 20 minutes passed, so many people responded.

As I was reading the responses, I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in!"

"Hey. Did you tell people about the p.o. box yet?" It was Mitch.

I immediately stood up, ran up to him,  and hugged him.

"Yes! Thank you so much for helping me!" I repeated this a few times, causing him to chuckle.

"It's not a big deal."

"But it is. You helped me do something I've wanted to do for a long time. You're the motivation I needed. Thank you." Wow. I sounded sweet.

"Well then. You're welcome." He said, patting my head.

I blushed a little at his action. And I think he noticed.


Awwww! She's blushing! How cute. I smiled as I saw the blush get a little darker. She looked away, looking at everything around me except me. I don't know what got a hold of me, but I gently grabbed her chin making her look at me.

"Are you embarrassed?" I teased.


"You're blushing. Either you're embarrassed or really shy. And people tend to be shy around people they like." I fake gasped, as I continued talking.

"Do you, y/n l/n, me?" I said still teasing.

Part of me was confident. The other part....not so much. I wanted her to say yes. But I was scared of her reaction. What if y/n got mad and pushed me away, never talking to me last time.

"W-what? Pssshhhh."

"You didn't say no." I chuckled.

"A-and what If I do?" Now that shocked me.

I did not expect her to say that.

"Well...i wasn't expecting that answer." I said.

She smirked. But why?

"Now You're blushing!" She declared.

"Hey! That's not fair."

Then she fake gasped like I did.

"Do you, Mitch Grassi, perhaps like me?" Oh have the tables turned.

Today is going to be fun.


Hey. Sorry for not uploading in a while. I've been really really busy. I finally found time to write a chapter. It's not long cuz I'm really tired...sorry.


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