chapter 6

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there's a time skip just for the sake of the story. enjoy!

L/n- last name




Tomorrow I get to see my old friends! Even if they don't remember me, I'll still get to see them. I've been watching Pentatonix and SuperFruit non stop. I'm obsessed. I mean, I've kind of always been obsessed, but not like this. I think it's because I'm gonna see them tomorrow. Hmm. What should I wear. I want it to be casual but not too casual. I also want to be comfortable. Let's see what I have in my closet. Let see. It's at night. So something warm. But I still want to look good. Oh. This might be good.



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Okay. I'll wear this one tomorrow. And I'll keep my hair down. But I'll have it wavy.

(if you have short hair, you decide what to do)

15 minutes passed and I finally was ready for tomorrow. Hell yeah! I flopped down on my bed and relaxed. Who knew picking out outfits and figuring out how your hair is gonna be could be stressful and tiring. Oh well. It's over now. Now I just have to wait 'til tomorrow. Tomorrow. TOMORROW! Ugh. Why can't it be tomorrow already! God! And it's only 2 pm. What should I do to pass the time? Hmm. Not in the mood to watch T.V. I went on YouTube earlier. Hmm. I guess I can listen to music. And dance. Wait. I have a great idea. I've wanted to do this. Now I can.

I get every thing ready and start the video. I don't usually upload on Fridays but I'm bored and I wanna do something.

"Hello everyone and welcome back to my channel! I'm bored. That is my only explanation for this video. I. Am. Bored. Anyway! I am going to be singing with noise cancelling headphones. Yeah. So original. I've seen other YouTubers do this and I really want to. I actually got these headphones last week." I smiled and giggled.

I started with Swalla by Jason Derulo.  I then did Feel Your Love by Arty, Shadows of Love by Sam Feldt. Death of a Bachelor by P!ATD. Cold Water by Justin Beiber, and the last song I did was........See Through by PTX. I mean, come on. It's amazing and I couldn't leave Pentatonix out. I finished the video and edited it. I sighed as I pressed upload. It took 2 minutes and it finally got posted. I smiled. I walked away for a bit to get some food and a drink. When I came back, I checked the comments. Damn!


OMFG! That was hilarious and amazing

Holy cow. You weren't that bad! good job!

Not bad. :)

You finally did it! I've wanted you to do this after gabby, shane and joey did it.

PTX!!!!!!!!! HELL YEAH!



my comment: i don't like ptx. I LOVE PTX!


I laughed continued to look at the comments. I thought I was bad. I mean. Not bad, but not good. Oh well. I'm just glad people loved it. It makes me happy that I can make others happy. That's why I love my job. I eventually looked at the time and saw it was 7 pm. Woo! Almost bed time.

Wow. I never thought I would be happy about sleep. But this is a special occasion. Okay. Just have to wait 'til 10:30. Hmm. Maybe I can go to sleep a little early. Like 9. Yeah. I'll do that. Going to bed at 9.


Okay. Why can't I sleep? WHY!!!!!!!??????? Ugh. I want sleeeeep. Please!

I think I'm just too excited about tomorrow night. Wait? What time is the performance again? Oh yeah. 6 pm. Maybe I can take a nap tomorrow. That would be best anyway.

I sit in my room and watch T.V. until 10:27. 3 minutes early too. Nice.


Woo! The Pentatonix concert just ended and I was about to go backstage. Once I got it, the group came up to me and smiled. We all shook hands.. Then Scott said something.

"What's your name?" I smiled. But I was nervous.

"uh. Y/n." I smiled awkwardly and looked at the others.

They all smiled.

"Y/n L/n?" Mitch smiled widely.

"Y-yeah." I looked down, then up.

"Oh my God. It's you." Avi smiled.

We all hugged and cried a little. This was a good moment. I missed them so much.

BEEP BEEP BEEP (end of dream)

Ugh. Wha-Saturday! Today is Saturday! YES! Finally. Oh my God. I feel sick. I might throw up. Wait. Nope. I'm just nervous. And happy. And excited! This is actually gonna happen. Oh wow. Oh. My. God. I'm good. Okay. In a few hours I'll get ready. I just need to cool down a little more. This is gonna be great!!!!!!!


thank you so much for reading!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you like the chapter


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