chapter 31

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I got a pot and started pouring the pancake batter into it.

Right now, I'm filming a video. It's the first episode of a new segment on my channel called, Cooking With Y/n. Great I right?

"And....Done!" Finally. The pancakes are done.

I set everything down, grabbed the camera and filmed the pancakes to edit a montage when I edit.

Once I was satisfied with the little clips, I got Scott and Mitch to eat them since it's time for BEKFAST! Haha. I kinda miss vine.

Wow! Random thoughts man. They're so.....random. Okay okay. Time to eat.

I filmed us all eating the pancakes and it turned out to be really strange. At one point, we started acting like parents to one another, and fed eachother like babies. It was weird but really fun.

I eventually stopped the recording, after, uh...After forgetting I was recording. Hehe. Yeah.

Anyway! I went to go edit the video. As I was watching, I saw how many times I messed up.

"Hey. I can put bloopers at the end of the video." I smiled at my idea.

40 minutes later, I was done editing. I watched over the video to see how it turned out. Once I saw the final product, I smiled.

"Hey. That's pretty good." I chuckled.

I pressed upload to YouTube, and let the rest happen on its own.

I went into the kitchen, I saw Mitch sitting there on his phone. Looking over his shoulder, I saw he was on my Twitter looking at my recent post.

Oh yeah. I should probably put out a tweet saying a video is coming up.

I walked quietly to my room, checking if the video got uploaded yet.


Still 3 more minutes and it will be up.

Hey! New video coming out in a few minutes!

Satisfied, I put my phone down, and went back to the kitchen. Mitch was still there, but with a can of soda. I think he noticed, because he offered me some. I gladly accepted, but when I held it, it was...empty.

"This bitch empty. YEET!" I chucked the can across the room.

Mitch and I laughed for a minute, then Scott walked in.

"What happened?"

"Nothing. I may or may not have referenced a vine."

Scott shook his head while chuckling.

"Oh. Get ready. We're going to the mall." Scott then ran off to get dressed properly.

Mitch and I looked at eachother and walked to our rooms. I put on a pair of jeans, and a random baseball t-shirt that I apparently have. How long has this been in my closet?

Oh well. I shrugged it off and walked into the living room and saw Scott all ready.

"Hey. That's Mitch's shirt. He lost that a week ago."

"What!?" I looked at it.

It is a little bit on me.

"Hey! That's my shirt!" Mitch came in yelling.

"I didn't know it was yours. I didn't know were it came from. I just put it on."


Hahaha! I put the shirt in her closet. I wanted to see her in my shirt. Is that weird? I don't know. I put it in there last week hoping she would wear it. I played dumb. I even told Scott I lost it so he didn't grow suspicious. He knows how I am with my clothes. It's already weird to him that I 'lost' it. I'll never tell them this information though. Maybe y/n. But will be when we get together. If we get together.


Hey! Someone wanted me to update. So I did.

Hope you appreciate my attempts at referencing vine too.




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