chapter 4

933 19 5

(f/n)- friend's name



"Hello everyone and welcome back to my channel! I know I don't usually make videos at 4:25 in the freakin' morning, but I woke up and couldn't sleep again. So, here I am. I don't know what to do. So I guess I'll just do a.....v-log. I don't know. But it is still dark."

I stayed quiet for a little. My walls creaking here and there.

"Do you know how creepy it is living here. I do not like this apartment. This is why I hate living alone." I smiled and chuckled.

I then continued and showed me turning on every light in the house. In every room. Every single one.

"Electricity bills? Those are my future self's problem." I smiled and carried on.

After about half an hour, I ended the video. The sun was coming up and I smiled. I turned off some lights, but kept the main rooms lit. I edited and uploaded the video.

I ate some cereal and watched T.V. Then I went on YouTube. All of that in 5 minutes. I am so bored. I watched a few video's. A lot of DIY project videos, a few drawing ones, cooking, gaming. Stuff like that. I don't really watch specific things. Plus, it helps me be so 'original'. Hehe. Yeah.

"FOOD!"  I randomly yell. So. Yeah.

What to eat. Hmm. Probably some (f/f) again. I'll have that.

Once I got that, I sat on my bed and watched YouTube again. This time, some KickThePJ. He's funny. Oh. A video with him and PewDiePie. Love that guy too. I smiled and laughed continuously as I watched more videos. At one point, I almost peed my pants. So I went to the bathroom. I then got a text from my friend.



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(f/n): I know!!!!!!

(f/n): are you going to a concert!?


(f/n): ooohhh. so you gonna see mitchy pie

(f/n) Is the only friend that knows that I used to be friends with all of them. And she's the only one that knows I like Mitch. We met in college. Yes, I went to college. I went to a film school. It was kind of fun. She was my roommate. We became instant friends when we mentioned we liked Pentatonix. But she likes me for who I am. She said it doesn't matter if i knew them. She thinks I'm a cool person. We both appreciate each other. She moved to Germany about a year after college but we always kept in touch. Guess she came to America just for Pentatonix. Maybe we can meet up soon?

Y: hey. what state are you in?

(f/n): i'm in kentucky. why? (If you live there, pretend you don't)

Y: I was wondering if we were able to hang out but you know....i don't live there

(f/n): oh yeah. you live in (c/n). when are they preforming?

Y: next Saturday.

(f/n): damn. it's only Sunday.

Y: i know. at least i have some time to prepare

(f/n): ?

Y: i really don't want to totally freak out in front of them.

(f/n): ahh. you think they'll remember you?

Y: probably not. :/

(f/n): let's hope they do.

(f/n): back to the hanging out thing, i would fly to (c/n) but i'm leaving on tuesday.

Y: it's cool. anyway, how's Germany?

She/he said that Germany has been great and she plans on staying there the rest of her life. (f/n) asked how I was doing and I told her how my channel was doing and how horrible my apartment is. After a while, we texted bye and carried on with our business. What am I gonna do. I'm kind of bored. Like usual. I decided to check my channel and saw that I gained 37 more subscribers. I never pay attention to who's subscribed to me. It's just too much sometimes. I used to check. Mainly to see if famous YouTubers subbed to me. But then I would sometimes get sad if they didn't, so I didn't want to get my hopes up. I never check who follows me on any social media. And It's helped.

An hour passed, and I switched to twitter. I saw that the 5 amazing people posted pictures on their account. I looked through them and smiled at each one. I really want Saturday to come already.


Thank you so much for reading. Hope you enjoyed the chapter.



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