chapter 22

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big time skip btw. have to get the story movin'.



Its been a month since Dakota and I have been together, and I now live with him. Yeah, he asked me 2 weeks ago and I agreed.  I said yes because I like him and I couldn't be around Mitch anymore. He didn't do anything, but I found myself thinking about him so much, and I was talking about him a lot to Dakota. It was bad.

Anyway, I started to notice things. Dakota and I haven't really been acting like a couple. More like friends. It started last week. We stopped cuddling, stopped doing stuff couples do. It wasn't either of our faults though. I was busy with YouTube, he was busy with his job at Spencer's. But I don't feel bad. You'd couples would be frustrated when they don't spend enough time together, even though they live together, but we're fine. He doesn't seem bothered by it, I'm not bothered by it. It's strange. I think I should ask him about it, but I'm still not sure. I might when he comes back from work. But then I would be recording and editing. I guess I'll wake him up since he sleeps when I do that, since he has to go to bed early for work early in the morning.

I decided to text Kirstie. She might have a better idea.

Y: hey. can we go to the mall

K: yeah. i can pick you up in an hour

Y: cool. thanks

K: no prob

I put my phone down and took a half an hour long shower to pass some time. I got out, brushed my hair, dried myself off and got dressed. I had 2 minutes to do whatever. I drew a picture of a character. It was Sans the skeleton from Undertale. I smiled at it and put it on the bed. There was a knock on the door and opened it for Kirstie, assuming it was her, which it was her.

She smiled and I smiled too. I got my phone and we were off to see the mall. The wonderful mall of LA. Haha. I'm not funny.

We eventually got to the mall and started to talk about pets and that's when I asked her.

"Hey. Um. Is it okay that Dakota and I are a couple, but don't act like one?"

"I think it's great when you can act like friends around each other." She smiled kindly.

"Yeah, but we don't hang out anymore because of his job and my whole YouTube."

She frowned a little trying to think of something to say but nothing came to her mind. She shrugged and gave a sad smiled.

"It's fine. I need to talk to him about it anyway." I gave a reassuring smile.

"Doesn't he work here?" Oh yeah. I forgot.

"Oh. Forgot about that. Yeah. He does." I smiled awkwardly.

"Then why don't you talk to him now?"

"I guess I could do that. Let's go."

We walked to Spencer's and saw Dakota helping someone. I smiled slightly and walked up to him when he finished helping. He saw me and waved.

"Hey. We need to talk. When are you on break?"

"Um...Right now actually."

"Cool. Let's go to the food court."

We walked to the food court while Kirstie stayed close behind. Dakota and I sat down as Kirstie leaned against a wall and went on her phone.

"So. What do you wanna talk about?"

"Well. It's just that we haven't hung out in a while since we're so busy and we don't act like a couple anymore. It's like we're friends." I looked down.

"I know. But what are we gonna do? My job and you're YouTube thing keeps getting in the way. And I have to sleep early to go to work early and you record and edit when I'm home."

"What are we gonna do?" I asked.

"I don't know. And you're right. It is like we're friends." He looked down at his hands.

Are we gonna break up? For some reason, I wouldn't be that hurt about it. But what if he gets really heartbroken? This is so confusing and so complicated and I hate it.


Thanks for reading.

Hope you enjoyed!

Undertale anyone?



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