chapter 12

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Dakota and I continued to prank call and have fun acting like kids. Every time he laughed, I blushed. He noticed it too because he always poked my cheeks. We got super close to each other a few times an I think he blushed too. So, me being the nice person I am, I made fun of him. We eventually stopped calling people after a few hours. It was now 8pm and I got a few texts from Mitch, but I never read them. I mean, I'm trying to get over him, so I'm trying to cut down on social time with him. Will that help? I hope so. 

Dakota and I ate and told horrible jokes just like old times. I love that I can be myself around him. I can't really be myself around anyone else. No. Not even my 5 amazing friends. I was never able to be myself around them. I'm mainly able to express myself through YouTube. And now by being with Dakota. That's a good thing. About 30 minutes passed and we had dessert and we were practically falling asleep. I know, 8:30 is early but prank calling, laughing, jokes, and eating makes people tired, okay? Okay. Well. Falling asleep now.


Why hasn't she texted back? I'm kind of worried. What if he hurt her? I'll hurt him if he did. I guess Scott noticed me freaking out.

"Mitch. She's probably fine." He smiled.

"I know."

"Then why are you freaking out?"

"I'm just worried about her okay?"

"Jeez. I've never seen you care about a girl like this."

"I just feel bad about the past. I wanna make up for it."

He nodded and walked to his room. I hope she's okay. Knowing her, she probably is. She can take care of herself.

Why do I feel weird. About her. I've never really felt this way. I'm freaking out because I care and I wanna make up for what I said, but, it's also something else. I'm not sure what it is though. I'll figure it out later. My head hurts.



"Dakota, hey."

"Hey, Y/n. I need to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"Do you wanna go out with me?" He asked nervously.

"Yes." I smiled and hugged him.

We hugged for a while, then every thing faded away.


I woke up next to Dakota on the couch with a blanket. What a gentleman he is. I'm assuming he put the blanket on us. He was still asleep, but looked cute. I took my phone out of my pocket and saw that there were no new messages, but I stared at Mitch's messages from before. It was midnight. Doubt he'd be up. I'll text him when I wake up....again. I started to go back to sleep, when Dakota turned and wrapped his arms around me. Okay. Okay. Don't freak out. He's just a boy. I really cute boy. Not Mitch cute, but cute. Okay, I feel like he would wake up if he felt my heart beat and my heavy breathing. Alright. Goin' to sleep now. Night!



Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Sorry it took a days to upload.



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