chapter 9

904 17 46

s/n- ship name



I put everything in the bus and we were on our way. We ate some food and talked about what's happened since I left. We cried a bit, but it was worth it.When we stopped crying, it was 1 am. We decided we should go to bed. But where would I sleep? On the couch I guess.

(i know the bus would probably have 6 beds but pretend there are only 5)

I started to sit on the couch, but Mitch pulled me.

"What're you doing?"

"You are sleeping on my bed while I sleep on the couch." He smiled.

"A-are you sure? I'm fine with sleeping on the couch." I am way too nervous.

"No. You shall be comfortable." He said like he was a knight and I was a queen.

"The couch is comfortable too." I smiled.

"Fine. We'll both sleep on the couch." He said proudly, then looked nervous.

"You should have your bed."

"Nope." He said while grabbing pillows and blankets.

I sighed and agreed. I stood as Mitch set the couch up. He got one side of the couch while I had the other side. Once he was finished, he sat down on his end so I sat down on mine. I went on my phone and went through twitter. I remembered the pictures I took and put it them on twitter, Facebook, snap chat and Instagram. Almost immediately, so many people viewed the pictures and liked them. How many people are up at 1 in the morning? As I was looking through my social media, I saw a flash. I put my phone down and saw Mitch with his phone smiling and he took another picture. I smiled and he took another. I picked my phone up again and took pictures of him. We posted them on our social media and a bunch of comments came in like crazy. Some asked if we were together, if I was in their tour bus. Some people gave us a ship name. We didn't see anything bad surprisingly. 

"Well. We'll be known as s/n." He said.

I blushed a little then nodded. I still like him. But he'll never like me. At least we can be friends. We continued to make small talk until I fell asleep. I don't really know what was happening in my dream. It was all fuzzy. But I remember the colors blue, red, pink and yellow. I think I was walking with someone. I remember the words hi, yes, sure, of course, what, I love you, and I love you too. I just don't know who I was with. I don't remember how the person sounded. I also remember a few buildings. But still fuzzy. Weird. I think there were kids in the background talking and yelling. Dog's barking at each other. A park? A few cars passed by. A few honks here and there. Then I woke up. That's all I could make out.

I sit up and see Mitch with his phone. I saw a quick flash.

"Were you taking pictures of me while I slept!?" I glared at him as he chuckled nervously.

"Maybe?" He pulled his blanket closer to him.

I continued to glare at him for a few more seconds, then quickly tackled him as best I could. I sat on him and started to tickle him. He begged for me to stop, and I did......after 2 minutes. Once I actually stopped, I still sat on him. I looked down at him smiling as he tried to catch his breath. I giggled and he looked at me in the eyes. I blushed and looked down a little more. He smiled and then he began to tickle me. I screamed and laughed. I then begged for mercy, but he didn't stop. I moved in a certain way and it ended up helping him sit on me and continue to tickle me. God damn it. I shouldn't have tickled me. He continued as I kicked and screamed/ laughed. He went on for as long as I did. Once he stopped, he stayed sitting on me and looked at me just like I did to him. I smiled and he smiled back. Of course, that made me blush. HEY! I can't help my feeling toward people. I think the only way to get over him, is to find someone else. Ugh! I don't wanna!

"What is goin' on?" Scott came stumbling in, then his eyes widened once he saw Mitch sitting on me.

Mitch and I looked at each other and laughed nervously. He slowly got off me and we sat on the couch. I wonder what Scott's thinking right now?


Thanks for reading.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.



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