chapter 28

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"Guess what?" Y/n asked happily.

"Um. You bought a ferret." I smiled stupidly.

"No. Where did you come up with that answer?" She asked smiling and giggling.

"I don't know. But why'd you say 'guess what?'"

"I'm gonna open a P.o. box so people can send stuff like fan art."

She sat on the bed getting comfortable while answering me. I got a little nervous because of the closeness. She was right next to me, our legs toughing. But I didn't move.

"That's great. When are you gonna open one?"

"I don't know. Hopefully soon." She looked down trying to think.

"How 'bout we do it today? I can help you so it gets done faster." I suggested.

"Oh my God yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"She yelled happily.

Then she did something. It made me blush like crazy.

She. Hugged. Me!

Okay Mitch. Keep calm. Just hug her back. Don't think too much about. Okay? Okay.

I hugged her back and we stayed like that for a few seconds, then she ran off, squealing with joy. She must be really happy. Y/n isn't the squealing type.


I ran out of his room squealing. Part of the reason is because I'm gonna open a P.o. box. The other reason, is because I hugged Mitch. The Mitch Grassi. The guy I like. I can't believe I did that! I'm not mad. Maybe a little embarrassed, but certainly glad I did. He hugged me back so that's good. Maybe I should hug him more. Then he might get the hint that I really, really like him. Hmmm. Yeah. I can do that. Now to get ready, then have Mitch help me.


Hey. I know this chapters short but I thought I should post another chapter after because I felt bad for not posting for a little bit. So here's another chapter.


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