chapter 27

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What am I supposed to do? I know Mitch likes me. I know he wants to ask me out. I want him to do it. I know I dated someone to get my mind off him, maybe I've thought that if it didn't work out, I'd do the same thing again, but I can't. I want to be with Mitch. He's amazing. He's....perfect. I wanna make it obvious that I want him to ask me out, but not in a desperate way. So what am I supposed  to do?


How am I supposed to ask y/n out? I don't wanna do it too soon, but I don't wanna be too late. I mean, seriously.
Y/n perfect in every way. Amazing clothes, amazing hair. Beautiful eyes. Who wouldn't want Y/n?

Ugh! I don't know. Maybe I'll wait a week or so? Yeah. I'll do that. Now I just have to make a plan to ask her out. I don't wanna just walk up to her and be like, ' Hey, be my girlfriend.' It has to be at the right time. We'll talk and stuff, then when we stop talking, and stare into each others eyes, I'll ask. Okay? Good plan? Oh well. It's the best I've got right now. I still have a week.

Hmm. What time is it? Oh damn! 3:34 am. I should get to bed now. Well, I'll think about the whole 'asking y/n out thing' in the morning. Maybe I'll have better ideas.


Okay. 9 am. Didn't get the best amount of sleep, but I can manage to make a video. I grabbed a towel and went to the bathroom to take a shower. That took about 45 minutes. Then I put on a normal black shirt, and a pair of basketball shorts. I brushed my hair, and teeth, and got the camera. I decided to do a Q&A video because why not. I tweeted everyone to ask questions.

Hey everyone! I'm about to do a Q&A video! Ask me questions!

After a few minutes, 59 questions came in. I guess that's enough. Now let's me start le video.

I did my intro, explained why I didn't upload, and started answering questions.

"Question 1! What is the one of the worst experiences you've been through?" My first thought went to that whole thing with Mitch in high school. But I don't want to mention that.

"Umm. I would have to say one would be my Great Grandma passing away. I kind of gotten over it. It still hurts. But I'm fine. It happened a long time ago and she's in a better place now. And don't feel bad about asking the question. You were probably expecting me to say I ripped my pants in front of everyone at school or something." I smiled at the camera.

"Okay! Question 2! Who and when did you have your first crush?"

Well crap. Mitch wasn't my first crush. But who was it. I know I was in 6th grade. I think it was....uh. Crap.

Wait! I remember now!

"So I was in 6th grade and there was this guy named Bradley. He ended up moving away. But I got over rather quickly so it wasn't the biggest crush. So yeah. Onto question 3!"

I scrolled through randomly with my eyes clothed and chose one at random. I looked down and read the question.

"Okay. Can you show your dog and cat? We'll of course I can show my precious baby's." I got up and quickly got them.

"Okay. Here's Coco. And here's Strudel. Fun fact. I have a slight allergy to one of them. I'm not sure which one since they're my first pets so I don't know if I'm allergic to cats or dogs. But it's not too bad. Unless the weather changes so the allergies and sickness come together and make me miserable." I chuckled and went on the the next question.

"Okay. Question 4. Can you cook? If so, can you make a little clip for the video of you making something? Well of course. Now I usually make stuff that's trending, but I can make great pancakes. That's 1 thing. I can make other stuff too." I quickly grabbed the camera and went to the kitchen.

I got the ingredients and positioned the camera in a safe spot. I talked while filming myself make pancakes. I made some weird jokes that were not funny, some people will probably laugh at the stupidness of it.

Once I finished the pancakes, I yelled at Scott and Mitch to come judge my cooking. They came into the kitchen and sat down. I took the camera to film their reactions, which were good ones.

"These are amazing." Scott said with a full mouth.

"You should make breakfast from now on." Mitch said.

"Oi! I ain't no maid!" We all laughed and and I ate a pancake, almost choking on it.

I went back to my room to answer two more questions.

"Okay. Question 5. What video games do you play?" I thought for a moment.

"I play Minecraft, Red Dead Redemption, Assassins Creed, Mario Cart, Mario Odysse, and sometimes Undertale. There's probably more, but I just can't think of them right now." I smiled.

"Okay! Final question! What do you think of this fan art I made?" Attached to it was an amazing drawing of Mitch and I holding hands and another one with Scott's arm slung around my shoulder, along with one of all of us at the beach sitting on the sand.

"Holy shit! These are amazing!" I couldn't stop looking at them.

A few compliments later, I finally ended the video and began to edit it. I smiled at the result, and upliaded the video to YouTube. Then a thought came in mind. What if I had a P.O. box for people to send stuff. I've thought about it before but now I'm actually considering it.

I left the room and headed to Scott's to see if he was there, which he was.

"I think I'm gonna open a P.o. box for people to send fan art and stuff like that." Scott smile brightly.

"You totally should!"

I'm doing it. I'm gonna open a P.o. box.


That fan art. It was amazing. Im kind of sad that i wasnt her first crush but oh well. I started to imagine scenarios with us together. As I was about to kiss y/n in my imagination, y/n Just so happen to bust into my room with a smile on her face. Ugh! That smile is so cute!


Anyway thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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