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Scott eventually got up and was whining about his hurting. Mitch, Dakota and I just laughed at him, but sometimes, Mitch would grab his head in pain. It hurt a little to see him in pain, but I mean, it was his fault for getting drunk.

Dakota got up and asked me to come with him. I went and we just ended up in the kitchen. He was wondering where the cups were. I showed him and he smiled at me with that cute smiled. I smiled and blushed. I got myself a cup and we got some soda. We started talking about random stuff for a bit. We got back to the living room and Mitch and Scott were talking about something. When we got back, Mitch blushed and stuttered trying to think of something to say. What is that guy hiding form me.


When Y/n and Dakota got up and went to the kitchen, I started talking to Scott.



"Something is going on and I don't know what it is."

"You mean the fact that Dakota and Y/n might like each other?" What? No. The can't...right?

"No. Something about me."

"Oh. Well what is it?" He tilted his head a little.

"Well, I feel....weird." I don't know what to say. I don't even know what I'm feeling!

"Doesn't everyone?" He smiled.

"This is different. I feel weird....towards a girl." I am NOT saying Y/n.

"Oh. That kind of weird. Well tell me what happens when you encounter this....girl."

"Well, It's confusing. It's nothing I've felt for a girl before. You know....besides Kirstie."

"What! You mean you have the feelings you felt for Kirstie for this girl!" He whisper screamed.

"Shut up. I don't know."

That's when Y/n and Dakota walked in. Crap! What am I gonna say? I stuttered to find words but I couldn't find any. She looks a little suspicious. I'm just gonna close my mouth. There's no point in trying to find something to say. I'm to confused. Scott ended up starting a conversation. We started talking to Dakota and asking him questions. But the way he would act towards Y/n made me nervous. I don't know why. I just didn't like it. Then he pulled Y/n to her room. He wanted to talk to her in private. What is he gonna talk to her about? Is it good? Is it bad? Is he gonna hurt her!? He better not. Okay. I've been through this before. He's a good guy. I hope.


Dakota and I went into my room and he closed the door. I don't mind. He's a good guy. I trust he wont hurt me. He then turned to me and smiled nervously. I wonder what he wants to talk about?

"What'd you wanna talk about?" I asked putting my hands in my back pockets.

"Um. Well. We've known each other for a while now and um. Wow this is hard."

"What?" I asked giggling. I think I know.

"Well. Um would you like to go out tonight? Have dinner and stuff." He asked kinda scared.

"Yes." I smiled and we hugged. He can help me get over Mitch.

Okay. So we aren't officially bf and gf but I hope it gets to that point. I kept smiling and we walked out of my room. It was sort of late so Dakota went to the bathroom to freshen up as best he could since he wasn't in his own house. I sat down next to Mitch unable to sit still.

"What happened?" He asked curiously.

"Well. Dakota asked me If I wanted to go out with him tonight and have dinner." I smiled.

"Awesome!" Scott yelled.

"So you aren't official bf and gf?" Mitch asked.

"No. But maybe this is a start." I said getting lost in thought.

"Oh. Well I hope it goes well too." Mitch smiled. But something was off the way he said it.

" Okay. I'm gonna get ready."

I walked in my room and put something else on. I looked in the mirror and smiled and left my hair the way it was. I went to the bathroom and saw Dakota. I smiled and grabbed my toothbrush. I brushed my teeth and he grabbed an unopened toothbrush package and asked if it was okay to use it. I nodded and he opened it. He brushed his teeth too and grabbed his phone off the bathroom counter. We smiled at each other and walked out. I got my phone off the couch and gave Scott and Mitch a 'wish me luck' smile. They nodded and Dakota and I left.

We got into his car and we started talking about random things while trying to keep cool. Once we made it to a restaurant, we went inside and ordered food. Once our food came we immediately started eating. It was amazing! I've never been here and I love it. I might come here more often.

"This is so good." I said to Dakota.

"I know. This is my third time here." He smiled.

"This is my first time here."

"Really?" He said surprised.

"Yep. But I'm defiantly coming here more often."

We continued to make conversation and we had a great time. A few things made me think of Mitch but I pushed it away. Once we left the restaurant and he took me home. We said our goodbyes, hugged and we went our separate ways. I smiled and jumped a little. There may even have been squeals. I can't believe this happened. I love it!


Thanks so much for reading!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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