chapter 15

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Sorry I haven't posed in a while! There's been a lot of stuff happening with school and trying to get my grades up since this friday is the last day of my freshman year of high school! WOO! Anyway. ENJOY! And just saying. I forgot about the dog and cat. So just pretend that they're there.



8 pm already? Damn. Time flies.

"Hey. Am I sleepin' on the couch?" I looked the the two guys. (queens)

"No. You can sleep in my room. I've slept on the couch before. Plus, we're gonna set up the guest bedroom for you." Scott said.

"Yeah. And no. She can sleep in my room. You've slept on the couch plenty of times." Mitch said.

"Why have you slept on the couch before?"

"Guests." Scott said plainly.


"Just sleep in my room." Mitch said.

"Okay. You sure?"

"Yes." He said in a sure way.

I smiled and we continued to watch a movie. It's pretty funny. It has Kevin Hart.

When the movie ended, at 10 pm, we decided to go to bed. Mitch lead me to his room. He said to let him know if I needed anything. I let my dog and cat in the room. (If u skipped the top, just pretend the Coco(dog) and Strudel(cat) were there the whole time) They stayed on the floor and I turned off the light. I turned on the T.V. and started watching Sponge Bob. I laughed a few time and I would have laughed more if I weren't tired from the day I had. I eventually fell asleep and had a dream about my where I was in a school giving a presentation. (I had to give 2 today)

I woke up with Strudel next to me. I smiled and slowly got up. Coco was already up and ready to go to the bathroom. I put Coco's collar on and walked out the room and made my way outside. She jumped a bit and finally found a spot to go pee. After that, we went back in and we were greeted by Mitch who a corner....on the floor. I walked over to see what was wrong, but then I saw Strudel hissing at him and trying to claw him from a foot away.

"Strudel!" I yelled and she quickly ran.

"I am so sorry." I said while trying not to laugh.

I held out my hand out to have Mitch grab it, which he did, and I pulled him up. Maybe a little too hard 'cause he launched up and fell forward, which made me fall backwards. Him being the the sweet guy he is, he tried to catch me, but that obviously didn't work since we're both on the floor. More like me on the floor and him on top of me. Awkward! His face is so red and I think mine is too. We stayed like that since we couldn't really move since we're embarrassed. Oh boy. I hope Scott doesn't walk in. But he probably would have walked in when Mitch was in the corner.

"Um. Where's Scott?"

"Oh. Uh. He's at the store."



We sat, more like lied,  in silence and stared into each others eyes. I couldn't look away. After a few minutes, I started up a conversation. Yes, still on the floor.

"So. What happened with Strudel?" I giggled.

"Oh. I was walking in my room to see if you were up and you weren't there, but Strudel was and she tried to attack me. That's why I was in the corner." He chuckled.

"Oh. Yeah, she's protective."

"I noticed." We had a laugh.

"We gonna get up or stay here?" I asked.

"I kinda like it down here. You're comfy." He said jokingly.

"Stay on the floor it is." I smiled.

He got himself a little more comfortable by propping himself on his elbows next to each side of my face. That of course made his face get closer to mine. I blushed and so did he. I decided to mess with him 'cause why not. I feel daring this morning. I put my hands on his waist,  and he blushed like crazy. I then wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself a little closer to him. Almost connecting lips, I stared into his widened eyes. I smiled at his slightly confused and uncomfortable self. And also nervous. Yes! Got him nervous.

"Gotcha." I said and let go of him.


"I got ya nervous ya goof." I laughed.


Why did I want to just lean in a little more so we were connected!? What is wrong with me! I'm supposed to like guys. Not girls. Maybe that's what made her feel comfortable. The fact that I like guys made her think I wouldn't react in a lovey dovey way. But why do I want to? I'm so confused. I need my coffee. But I'm so comfortable! Ugh. Struggles.


Thank you so much for reading and sorry about the late update.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.



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