chapter 20

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He seemed a when I told him about Dakota and I being official boyfriend and girlfriend. But he smiled anyway. Weird. I wonder what he's thinking?

"T-That's...amazing! How'd it happen?" He asked happily.

"Well right before I came in, we were saying our goodbyes and he said he wanted to tell me something....and then he asked me and I said yes!" I said cheerfully.

"That's great! I'm so happy for you." He hugged me and I hugged back.

He had a hint of a mint smell. Nice. NO! Don't thinkblikebthat right now. You have a boyfriend. And he's great. He can help you get over Mitch! Don't. Blow. It.

We pulled apart and smiled. Oh wait. He needed to tell me something too.

"Oh. What did you want to tell me?" I'm really curious.


Crap! Um. Quick, Mitch! Think. Time us running out to the point where there is awkward silence. And no one likes that! No one!

"Oh. Um, right. Well. I....t-think that um....Strudel and I a-are getting along. Yeah. No attack. Strudel sat with me. It was great." I hope that was convincing.

"Oh my God! That's amazing. See. I knew Strudel would get used to you. Just takes time. And Coco is fine right?"

"Oh, yeah. Coco has never been a problem. Surprised she's gotten along with Wyatt."

"Aw! That's sweet." She smiled.

I love that smile so much. But now, I won't see it as much since she'll probably be with Dakota all the time. I-I mean he's a lucky guy and I'm happy for home. Sort of. But he is a really lucky guy. And I hate to admit it but, I think she deserves better than me. After what I said to her that day was horrible and I strongly believe it drove her away. No matter what she said about wanting to leave for a while. I still blame myself. And I know it's been years and I should have gotta over it but....I can't. I wish I could but I guess this is my punishment. My bad karma. I don't know. You get my point. Maybe.

Oh. Wyatt


Wyatt came into the room and rubbed his little kitty face on my leg. I smiled and picked him up. Mitch pet him a little and smiled.

I took a moment to look at my phone to see it was 9:12 pm. Still got an hour or more. I looked at Mitch. He seemed to be thinking of something. I wonder what it is. I'll ask.

"What're you thinking about?"

"Oh. It's nothing." He smiled reassuringly, which wasn't too convincing.

"Come on. You can tell me anything." Come on Mitch! Tell me!

"It's fine. It's nothing to worry about." He smiled and continued to pet Wyatt on the head as he purred.

Fine. Have it your way, Mitch. But I will find out soon. I won't give up. But he doesn't need to know that.

"Okay. But there better not be anything wrong. Now I'm gonna take a shower." I handed Mitch his cat and walked to my room to get a towel and went to the bathroom.

I don't want to have to take one in the morning. I'm probably gonna be too tired anyway.

I took a shower, got dressed and brushed my hair. bored. Ugh! Hmm. Oh! I know what to do. A Vlog. I quickly got my camera and started recording.

"Hello everyone. I'm y/t/n. And welcome back to my channel. So I don't know what to do and I'm bored. So yeah. Let's go find Mitch and Scott." I walked out of my room and saw Mitch on his phone and no Scott in sight.

"Yo. Where's Scott at?"

"Oh. I think he's on his room. You making a video?"

"Yeet. Now come with me to get scott."

"Why do I have to go too?" He whined.

"Because I said so." I said proudly as he groaned and got up.

We walked to Scott's room and saw the door was open so we walked in. Scott was on his laptop doing something. BETTTER NOT BE P0RN! Hehe. Okay. It isn't. He was doing....something. I don't know.

"Say hi to the camera Scooter."

"Hi. And did you just call me scooter?"

"Yep. Hey whatcha doin?" I asked.

"Okay. But you can't put this in the video. It's a surprise for everyone."

"Okay. Now spill!"

"Right. So Mitch and I have been thinking and we want to start posting on Fridays instead. So everyone is going to be surprised when they get a video from us on a Friday."

"Nice!" We high fived and laughed.

"So. Did you guys record a video?"

"Yeah while you were out. I'm typing where the edits are gonna be made since I'm gonna do the rest tomorrow."


After 10 minutes of recording, I stopped and stared editing. By the time I finished, it was 10 pm. Well, 10:03 to be exact. But anyway, I guess I should upload this tomorrow.

20 minutes then passed and I decided I should go to bed. Or at least start too. I'm actually exited to post the video tomorrow. I mean, I always am though. But yeah. 10:32 hit and I am dead asleep. Damn. I should have peed before I went to bed. And NO I did not pee the bed. I just had to go really bad. Now I'm probably gonna have a dream the bathroom.


Thank you guys so much for reading!
I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Love you guys!



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