chapter 13

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I woke up to Dakota who was facing the other way now. I stood up and decided to text Mitch back.

M: hey

M: are you coming back or are you staying at that guys house

M: hello?

M: i'm gonna assume you're staying there

I sighed quietly so I didn't wake Dakota up. I texted Mitch back, not really expecting a response from him.

Y: hey. sorry i didn't text you back. my phone was on silent and Dakota and i fell asleep early

It took about 30 seconds before he texted back. I smiled slightly.

M: it's fine. i'm just glad you're okay

Y: thanks. i'll probably be back in a little bit

M: cool. i'll tell scott

I texted back saying okay and we didn't text each other after that. I went back to Dakota and saw he was getting up. I smiled and he turned to me.

"Hey. You're up." He smiled.

"Yep. I texted Mitch saying I would be back in a little bit."

"Cool. Wanna head back at 4?" It is 2:44.

"Sure." I perked up and sat on the couch.

"Whatcha wanna do?"

"T.V. and ice cream?" I smiled.

"Perfect." He said while turning on the T.V. while I got ice cream.


She texted back! Woo hoo! I wonder what time she's coming over. It's 2:47. Maybe 3:30? Hopefully around there.

"Hey Mitch. Wanna get coffee?" Scott offered.

"Sure." I said with a big smile.

"You're either really happy about coffee, or something else."

"Y/n texted saying she would come back in a little bit."

"Oh. Cool." He smiled and got a jacket on.

I put on a black shirt with black skinny jeans and walked with Scott to Starbucks. After a little time, we got there. We ordered our usual, signed a few things and took pictures. We didn't mind. We got our drinks and we left to go back home. I checked the time and it was 3:06. Ugh. Time goes by so slow for me. I know a good chunk of time went by, but I want Y/n to come back already.

To pass the time, I went on Snap Chat for a while, then Instagram, then I went on twitter and put I was really bored- Aw crap! It's Tuesday!

"Scott! SuperFruit!"

"Crap! What are we gonna do! It's 3:58!"

Scott and I were trying to come up with ideas since the last thing we did was a Q&A. About 4 minutes later, there was  knock on the door. I quickly opened it and saw Y/n. Yes!


"Hey. What are you guys freaking out about?"

"A video for SuperFruit."

"Y/n! Wanna be in a video!?" Scott frantically yelled.

"Sure." I said.

"We can also make a video for my channel too since people like you guys."

They smiled and jumped around and we set everything up. This is gonna be great.


Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!



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