chapter 19

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"You what!?" Scott yelled.

I told him. I told him I like y/n and he might be upset. I can't tell.

"Yeah?" I don't know what to do or say.

"How long?" He said calming down a bit since y/n might be able to hear from her room.

"I-I don't know. Since high school maybe?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"What!?" He flipped and I quickly had to shush him.

"I thought you hated her in high school?" At least he whispered this time.

"Well...i kind of liked her but I pushed it aside thinking nothing of it, but then we met again and I guess I still have those feelings. I've been trying to figure out what kind of feeling it was, then I came to a conclusion. I like her." I smiled at my words and so did Scott.

"Wow. That's.... amazing."

"You aren't mad?"

"No. Just a little upset you didn't tell me a lot sooner."

"Hey, in my defence, I didn't really understand what the feelings were so..."

"Yeah yeah. What ever. But...what are you gonna do? She's with Dakota."

Damn. He's right. What am I gonna do? I like her a lot but she has someone. But they aren't official right? I don't know. A lot can happen in a short amount of time.

"W-well. They aren't official. Maybe I can still have a chance?" Yeah. Like a 1% chance.

The guys good looking. I can admit that. Probably better looking than me. But anything is possible. I guess.


What to wear. Hmmm. I want to look decent. I'm going put with Dakota. We're going to the movies because there's this movie I really want to see and it's supposed to be really good, so he's taking me. I like him so much.

Okay. Oooh! This should look okay. Plain red top with blue, ripped skinny jeans with a flannel wrapped around my waist, and vans. Nice.

I set the clothes on my bed and got a towel so I can take a shower. Once I was done with the shower, I brushed my hair first so I don't get my clothes wet, then got dressed. I grabbed my phone and saw he texted saying he's be here in 10 minutes. That was 5 minutes ago. I texted back saying okay and went to the living room. I saw Mitch looking like he was trying to make a decision and Scott was smiling.

"Hey. Dakota is gonna be here in about 5 minutes. We're going to the movies so I won't be back for a few hours. Is that okay?" I asked the two of them.

"Yeah. That's cool." Scott said while smiling.


I sat next to Mitch and asked him what was wrong since it looked like he was making a really hard decision. He said it was nothing so I left it alone. I hope he'll tell me at some point. I know he's hiding something. I can see it in his eyes.


I got a text from Dakota saying he was here. I smiled and said bye to Scott and Mitch. They both said bye as I walked out the door, closing it behind me. I saw Dakota and waved to him. He waved to me and opened the car door for me.

"You gentleman." I teased.

"I try my best." I giiggled and he closed the door heading to the drivers side.

He started to car and we were of to the movie. We talked about out favorite movies and shows, which somehow turned into a conversation about dogs? I don't even know. But we eventually made it to the theater and we went inside to get our tickets. We went to the right number room and sat down. We talked while the commercial ad things were going on to pass the time.

Eventually, the movie started and the room went silent. About 30 minutes went by and there was already a kissing scene. Well, more like make out scene. I mean, come on! At least wait til the 1 hour mark. Man. Movies, am I right. But anyway, there were a few more kissing scenes that went on but weren't make out scenes so that's good. I don't hate make out scenes but this was was almost a sex scene. And that is were I draw the line. Unless it's making love. There is a difference you know!

Aaanyway. Overall, it was an amazing movie. 10 out of 10 would watch it again. Dakota and I left and made jokes about the movie and tried to impersonate some of the characters. This day was so fun, it almost took my mind off of Mitch. Almost. One character from the movie reminded me of him sooooo. Yeah.

But Dakota and I made it back to the apartment and he walked me to the door and we started to say our goodbyes when he asked me something.

"Okay. I've wanted to ask you this for a little bit now. So here it goes. Will you be my...girlfriend...officially?" This is actually happening. THIS IS HAPPENING PEOPLE. CODE..  I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU WOULD CALL THIS. Ummm. Code...D.A.M.T.B.H.G.F. That stands for Dakota Asked Me To Be His Girlfriend. Long, I know. But it was but it was on the spot okay! Oh shit! Answer the God Damn question!

"Y-yes!" I hugged him and he hugged me.

We stood like that for a while and we pulled apart.

"W-well. I should probably head in." I said shyly.

"Right. Um. Well. See you...soon." we smiled and went our separate ways.

I went inside and squealed. I saw Mitch come in. I need to tell someone.


Okay. I'm gonna tell her how I feel when she gets back. I headed to the living room and saw y/n. Oh. She's back. Well, here we go.

"I need to tell you something." We said at the same time.

"Y-you go first." I told her and she smiled.

"Okay. Dakota Asked Me To Be His Girlfriend. And I said yes!"

Shit. I should have gone first.


I feel so bad for not updating. At first I was lazy, then I went to  California for 2 weeks and I came back last week and had so much to do. But its good to be back and I'm happy I wrote another chapter for you guys.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyedthe chapter.


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