chapter 11

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I was still watching Scott and Mitch dance like idiots after Dakota left. Then the others came by and laughed at Scott and Mitch. We had to literally drag them out of the club.

After a while, everyone went home. I guess I'm staying with Scott and Mitch. Cool. The not so cool thing was that I had to help them into their apartment. That took a whole lot of effort. But I did it. Good job me. I guessed on who's room was who's, got my things and brought them in, then went to the living room to sleep on the couch. I fell fast asleep and dreamed about a cat.

When I woke up, I saw Wyatt on my stomach sleeping. I didn't wanna wake him up so I stayed where I was. He breathed lightly, which almost made me fall asleep again, but Mitch came in the room rubbing his head. I smiled at him as he yawned.

"Have a good night sleep?" I said softly so I didn't wake Wyatt.

"No." He wined as he went to get get water.

Wyatt woke up slowly and stretched, then jumped off of me. I stood up and walked over to Mitch. He looked over at me and smiled. I smiled back and felt my phone vibrate. I took my phone out of my pocket and saw it was Dakota. I smiled.

D: YO. what up.

Y: nothin much. what you up to

D: nothin. wanna hang out


D: hehe. cool. where do you wanna go m'lady

Y: what a gentlemen. how about your place and we can prank call people

D: are you 12 or somethin

Y: maybe

D: ok short stack. I'll pick you up at 2

Y: sounds good average joe

Average Joe and Short Stack were nicknames we gave each other Junior year. When I started having feelings for him. I smiled and started to get ready since it was 12:55. I wore a plain black shirt with a red flannel and some denim shorts. I did my makeup and hair. It was 1:45. Done getting ready so might as well eat. I got some hash browns and made them. When they were done, I ate them. I put my dishes in the sink and there was a knock on the door.

"Be there in a minute!" I ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth.

I brought a pack of gum just in case and went to the door. When I opened it I saw Dakota in a adidas shirt and some normal jeans. I smiled and I heard Mitch clear his throat. I turned around and giggled.

"Mitch this is Dakota. Dakota. Mitch. I'm going to his place." I waved and left. He drove to his place, which was half and hour away. When we got to his place, we went inside and started putting blankets and pillows in the middle of the living room. We got it all set up and started calling people.


"Hi. I have something important to tell you."

"Who is this?"

"Brittany. Now let me tell you something."


"I left my shoe on the highway and I need you to get it." (i actually said that to one of my friends friend cause he was high and we wanted to mess with him. It was great)

He sighed and hung up. We started laughing at the randomness. Dakota called someone and it was a girl this time. She sounded like she was at least in her 20's. Dakota smiled.

"Hey baby." He said in his best hot guy voice.

"Hey. Who are you."

"I'm your worst NIGHTMARE!" I screamed in a demon type voice and quickly hung up.

We bursted out laughing and rolled on the floor. We're weirdos, that's for sure.


Who was that guy? I mean. I know his name but how do they know each other. Why is she going to his house? And why am I getting worked up about this!? He's just her friend. Right? Ugh. I need coffee.


thanks for reading

hope you enjoyed



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