chapter 21

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Ah, Fridays. The day almost everyone loved when we were in school. Hehe. Well..... WE DON'T GOT SCHOOL BITCHES SO EVERYDAY'S MY FAVORITE DAY!!!!!!

Okay. A little too excited for a morning and I don't know why. Oh. I think I know why I'm so awake. I GOTTA PISS. Okay. Time to get up and pee. Oooh crap. I can't move. No. I didn't wake up with sleep paralysis. I just have to go to the bathroom so bad that if I move, I feel like I'm gonna pee myself. Ugh! I really should have gone the the bathroom last night. But I can do this. Um. Just hold your crotch to keep the pee in, and walk really funny and by the time you reach the bathroom, you should be fine. Nice thinking y/n. Oh. Am I thinking to myself. Oh well. Just do it. Okay. I got up. Now I'm walking, and now I'm in the bathroom! Time to go do my business!

By the time that was done, Mitch was up with Scott editing their video since it Friday. Hell yeah. I walked over to them and said good morning. They said good morning too and smiled.

After a few minutes, they were done editing and and uploaded the video.

"So, what's the vid about?"

"Telling everyone we upload Fridays now." Scott explained.

"Ah. Oh. Can you guys do a video with me?" I asked very hopeful.

"Of course. What are we doing?" Scott asked excitedly.

"Draw YouTubers." I smiled.

"That sound like so much fun." Scott jumped and get changed?

"Yeah. That sound like a lot of fun." Mitch said and went to get changed too. Maybe.

Actually I don't know why they left. I just decided to set everything up and chill on my phone. Then I got a text from Dakota.

D: hey wanna hang

Y: maybe later. I'm making a vid

D: ah. Dat YouTube life

Y: yeeeet

D: well I'll let you get to it then. Talk to you later 😚

Y: talk to you later 😙

I blushed at the emojis and smiled. Neither of us have said 'I love you' yet but hopefully he says it first. I'm never good at making the first moves most of the time.

Anyway, Scott and Mitch came back in different clothes. I smiled and signaled them to hurry up. They made it over to the table and sat down. I turned on the camera and sat back down. I did my intro, explained what we were doing and got to it.

"Okay so you draw first, then we have to guess and if someone guesses correct, the drawer and the person who guessed correct gets a point."

Mitch went first and drew Tyler Oakley. Scott got it right. Then Scott drew, well Drew Monson. I got it. Then I drew PewDiePie cause why not. Mitch got that right. This went went on for about 30 minutes and Scott and I had the most points. Then we had a sudden death round. And I won. Hell yeah! I did my outro and ended the video. I edited it and uploaded it after 10 minutes and decided to text Dakota.

Y: hey. we can hang now.

D: cool. i'll pick you up in an hour

Y: k. see you then

I put my phone down and went to the kitchen where Scott and Mitch were talking about something, but Scott saw me and waved.


I was telling Scott how Y/n and Dakota were official and how I was upset. That's when y/n came into the kitchen and Scott waved to her. I hope she didn't hear anything.

She told us that she's gonna go hang out with Dakota in an hour and that she doesn't know when she will come back. Scott and I told her that was fine and that we might go to a club or something later. Not sure if we are but I hope we do. I need help getting my mind off of y/n.


Thank you guys so much for reading.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!



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