chapter 7

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"Scott! Kirstie! Kevin! Avi!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"What! What happened!?" Kirstie looked scared.

"Look at this." I showed them part of a video.

They all smiled and jumped. Then Scott looked at the comments and jumped like a child even more.

"What?" Kevin looked at him.

"Look at this comment." Scott showed us the comments.


i don't like ptx. I LOVE PTX! 

Oh my God! This is amazing.

"I can't believe she sang one of our songs, and she said she loves us!" This is so cool.

After a long time, and I mean a very long time, of freaking out, we all went out to eat. And in 2 hours, we would preform and (c/n). I can't wait to go there. I love preforming so much. But it's gonna be the last performance on tour this time. I know it's a really short tour, but we wanted to make it short because we got stressed out on our last tour. We had tour, we had to finish songs, we wanted to visit our parents but none of us had time. We don't want that happening again. Plus we have to write and cover more songs in a certain amount of time.

Anyway, we ate after an hour, so we headed back to the bus and rehearsed for the next 50 minutes. We need to be prepared. It would be so embarrassing if we messed up. Even though we  rehearse for long periods of time every time we go on tour, we always to a final one 50 minutes before a show. It helps.

"Guys. We're goin' on in 10." Kirstie jumped as she said that.

"Okay." I smiled. This will be a great show.


I can't believe it. I'm here. And I have V.I.P. tickets for after the show! I get to meet them. I better not embarrass myself. Oh! The show's about to start.

They came on and I freaked out. Everyone was screaming like crazy. They introduced themselves and started the show. They started with La La Latch. Then did Aha. They did Problem, Love Again, Daft Punk, Run to You, and then See Through. I love those songs so much! But not as much as I love the people singing them. Everyone screamed the whole time. Including me. They pulled someone up to be the Chair Girl. She was crying. She looked really sweet. It was cool of them to have a chair girl. Everyone laughed and wooed. When all that was over, people with V.I.P. tickets went to get in a line for backstage. I, of course, was last. Well this is gonna take a while. Some people did come up to me for an autograph and some pictures, so that kept be busy.

Over an hour passed and it was finally my turn. Yas! I was brought in by a security guard,  who surprisingly wanted an autograph. I didn't expect a security guard to watch my videos.

When I was brought in, I saw the 5 amazing people and got butterflies in my stomach. I smiled widely when they turned around.

"Oh my freakin' God!" Kirstie jumped.

"H-hi." I looked at all of them.

They all smiled and jumped and held each other. What the heck is going on?

"Y-you. You're. You-" Kevin tried to get out.

"Y/t/n!" Mitch finally screamed when he could say something.

I smiled. They actually watch my channel!? Well. I mean they don't remember me, but they watch my channel. That's good enough for me.

"Y-yeah. You watch my videos?" I smiled like crazy from happiness.

"Of course! You're so funny!" Scott chimed in.

"Thanks." I don't even know what to say!

We all started talking and I was getting less nervous. Probably since I know them! They asked me some questions and I asked them some. It was going pretty well. Then Mitch said something that gave me butterflies.

"H-hey. This is gonna sound weird, but, you kind of look like one of our old friends." Everyone nodded in agreement.

"If you  don't mind me asking, what's your name?" Kirstie had a kind smile, like always.

"Right. I tend to forget that people don't know my name." I smiled.

Well. Should I tell them. YES. But. I don't even know. I mean, that old friend can be anyone right? Oh what the heck. I'll tell them. I looked down.

"Um. Well. My name," everyone was smiling, "is Y/n." They all stopped freaking out a little.

"Um. Sorry if we're prying you, but, what's your last name?" Avi looked anxious.

"It's L/n." They all stopped smiling.

Oh crap.

Then all their smiles appeared again. They each had their own silent freak outs, and then they all screamed and hugged me. They were saying my name and saying they missed me. Some things were hard to understand, but I told them that I missed them too.

"IS EVERY THING ALRIGHT!? DID SOMEONE GET HURT!?" The security guard boomed in.

We all looked at him with a smile. He sighed and walked back smiling at what he saw. We all looked at each other and laughed. This is the best night ever.





BUH BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!


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