Act 1: The Yellow Girl

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"Team Kakashi, I'm giving you a mission," Tsunade inculcated, as the team gathered in her room after her order. "S-rank mission."

"Huh? What is it?" Naruto asked, with a serious tone.

"I want you guys to patrol the area around this village. And I mean the Land of Fire though."

"Eh? What makes this is an S-rank mission when we're going to just patrolling the area?" Naruto complained.

"Because there are possibilities that you guys are going to meet... Akatsuki again." The name that just left Tsunade's lips put a shock in everyone in the room. "Some informants had informed me that there are several Akatsukis, wandering around in different Lands. Who knows there are few in this Land..."

"But why? Why would they wandering around? What are they looking for now?" Naruto asked, angered. "Are they looking for Jinchuurikis like me?"

"I... don't know. Dakara, I'm putting you guys into this mission. I want you guys to check around this Land. You'll be leaving with Team Guy and Team Kurenai, wakatta?" Tsunade firmly said, leaning back against her seat. All of them nodded as a response. "Okay, head to the gate and wait for me. And Kakashi," Tsunade pointed out, causing Kakashi to surprise a bit, the same as the others. "Stay here for a moment. There's something I need to say."

"Oh um... okay. You guys go first, we'll be joining you all," Kakashi instructed his team, before they left the room. "What is it, Hokage-sama?"

"Be honest with me, Kakashi."


"Hm... I wonder why Tsunade obaachan wanted to talk with Kakashi-sensei... Is there really something?" Naruto questioned, clutching onto his backpack tightly. He walked towards the gate with Sakura and Sai.

"Who would know? We shouldn't poke our noses in that matter; we should settle this mission first. Who knows maybe Kakashi-sensei will tell it to us?" Sakura concluded, while wearing on her leather gloves. "Oh morning everyone!" she greeted, as they met with Team Guy and Kurenai.

"Oh Team Kakashi. But, where's Kakashi?" Kurenai asked them.

"Yo. I'm here," suddenly Kakashi answered, walking towards the gate with Tsunade beside him. "Sorry I'm a bit late..." he said, scratching the back of his head.

"Sensei, you're not. We've just arrived too," Sakura said, before stealing a quick glance on Tsunade. An expression that even Sakura couldn't decipher.

"Listen here, everyone," Tsunade said, drawing their attentions to her. "I want you guys to patrol around the area near to Konoha. As you guys knew, there might be Akatsukis since they were discovered wandering around the other Lands. And always make your team's safety a priority. You guys should divide on which areas you'll be going."

"Um... may I ask?" Naruto suddenly voiced out, putting up his hand. As Tsunade nodded at him, he proceeded. "Captain Yamato is not joining us?"

"No. I want to give him some time to rest. The usage of his Mokuton also cost him chakra and energy." Naruto nodded at the answer, before Tsunade took a quick look at Kakashi. "Then everyone, I'm dispatching you all to accomplish your mission."

"Yosh!!! Ganbatte bayo minna!" Naruto cheered up the situation, before started to walk, leaving the gate with the other teams, except one person. Kakashi turned around and looked at Tsunade; find it was what he could read from her lips movement. He nodded as a response, before joining the others leaving the gate.

Tsunade stayed at the gate, watching them until their shadows started to gone from her sight. "Um... Tsunade-sama?" Shizune called out from behind. "Tsunade-sama, did Kakashi-san know about 'it'?"

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