Act 7: My Trust

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"Everyone... gather."

"Urgh... what is it about this time?"

"It must be that Shiroi Ookami no Kage, right?"

"Yare yare... So you're going to scold us, for not getting it? Oi Itachi. Next time, don't retreat and leave me just like that."

"Stop it Kisame. The pursuit of the other Jinchuurikis are still on. And the pursuit of Shiroi Ookami no Kage is under both of you, Itachi, Kisame."

"Ah... still?"

"Since both of you are still in the Fire Country area, and both of you had the full details about it. Once we get the 'container', we'll continue to look for the other Bijuu."

"But what if we can't get our hands on it again? You know how protective that village towards each other."

"Then... we'll use forces."


[Three days later]

"Huh... huh... huh..."

"You're improving, Mirai," Kakashi said, as he walked towards her, who was practicing her Katon jutsu at the area. She kneeled down, facing the river while panting. "Sorry I'm late-"

"It's... okay..." she simply mumbled, trying to stand up. Kakashi noticed her trembling knees, instantly feeling uneasy. "S-S-Sensei-" Suddenly, her legs gave out its strength and she fell into the river.

"Mirai!" Quickly Kakashi went into the river and quickly grabbed Mirai's arm before she went deeper. Emerging to the surface, Kakashi put down her weak body by the river. "Mirai?" he called out, shaking the unconcious girl. "Eh? There's no way she's already drowned-" Suddenly he stopped, as he saw Mirai's body was in Demon Fox cloak-like form, but by bluish-white chakras, again. "It happened again."

Suddenly, Mirai coughed out water from her inner body, instantly sitting up while holding onto her necklace. "Mirai! Are you okay now?" His question was responded by her nod. "You must have been practicing too much. I told you not to push yourself-"

"I'm totally fine, Kakashi-sensei," Mirai claimed, as she tried to stand up, but her feet kept giving in, thus making her to fall to the ground again. Kakashi held her by his arms, before lifting her in bridal style. "K-Kakashi-sensei! Put me down!"

"You're tired, okay?! I'm the one who's responsible in watching you! And if you're injured, the Fifth will start to ask me why!"

"Stop being caring for me. I'm not a kid anymore!"

"And you're acting like one! Now, just sit here and rest!" Kakashi put her down against a shady tree, or more like 'throwing'.

"Ah ite ite! Why did you throw me?!" Mirai shrieked angrily, rubbing her back.

"Women do nags a lot. And they're noisy too. They're really annoying, and they sure didn't know how to say thank you-"

"Well, thank you... and don't point it all to me, Ero-sensei!"


"You never focus on my trainings, do you? That one single black-lensed eye never leave those erotic pages. Urgh! I've trusted you to be able to teach me and guide me, that I even call you 'sensei', but in the end I'm practising alone!"

Kakashi was taken aback a bit by her words. "Oh yeah?" He then squatted in front of her, with both of his elbows rested on his knees. "Let's see how much do you improve... motormouth."

"Hah! You thought I haven't master it? I even invented a new jutsu," Mirai confidently said, but as she wanted to stand up Kakashi pushed her back down. "Hey!"

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