Act 16: Mystery

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"Welcome back," Shizune greeted Team Kakashi as she saw them at the gate, coming back from their pursuit for after a week.

"Thanks, Shizune-neechan!" Naruto said, still carrying Mirai behind him. Shizune put her hand on Mirai's head, checking her body temperature.

"How's she?"

"Not good. She needs an immediate treatment," Sakura explained, as she pulled off her gloves.

"Okay. Sakura, bring her to the hospital and give her a needed treatment." Sakura nodded, and told Naruto to put Mirai down.

"Let me help you, Sakura," Yamato offered, as he handed out his arms to Naruto, and had asked him to put Mirai on his arms, carrying her in bridal style. "Ja, let's go Sakura." With that, both him and Sakura left the others and went straight to the hospital.

"As for me, I'll go home before meeting Godaime and report in," Kakashi said, before taking his leave too.

"Then, I'll go home too. See you later, Naruto," Sai excused himself too, leaving Naruto and Shizune at the gate.

"Oh right. Shizune-neechan, what are you doing at the gate?" Naruto asked her, as they watched Sai disappearing into the crowds.

"Hm? Me? I'm welcoming you guys, and waiting for a special guest, from Hidden Glass Village," she stated with a smile.

"Oh... Ja, I'm going to Ichiraku!" He smilingly waved Shizune with a goodbye, as he walked towards Ichiraku Ramen. "Huh, this time I'm eating alone..." he mumbled, as he entered the shop.

"Oh, Naruto! Where have you been past few days?" Teuchi asked, as Naruto took a sit. "Where's Mirai-san?"

"Ah um... We... had an emergency mission, and Mirai-neechan was... wounded. She's in hospital now. Nee ojisan, as usual."

Teuchi smiled, lifting up his noodle strainer and clanked it against his pot. "Coming!"


"Hokage-sama. Our guest is here," Shizune said, as she entered the Hokage's room.

"Oh! Come in!" Tsunade cheerily said, as she sat down. Not longer after that, a man came in with two companions. "Welcome to Konoha, Seiichi-kun. Long time no see!" Tsunade welcomed, as he stood before her.

"Indeed, Tsunade-sama. You've always been beautiful," Seiichi smilingly said, as he bowed his head towards her.

"No need to say that. You've became a gentleman now, eh? Handsome all the time. When are you going to get marry?"

Seiichi was taken aback by that question, and smiled awkwardly. "That... um... I'm still looking for a bride," he hesitantly said, scratching the back of his head, smiling.

"Haha... Well, look for one here. Don't be shy," Tsunade replied, waving her hand in front of her face. "Oh right, how many days you're staying?"

"Depends. I'm on vacation anyway."

"We'll give you a room and your men another room here, is that okay?"

"More than enough. Thank you."

"I'm sure that you're still remember where the apartment is?"

"Of course! I've stayed there before with dad." Shizune handed out two keys to Seiichi, which then he took gladly. "I'm going to have a walk around the village then."

"Have a pleasant stay. If you need anything, you can ask me or Shizune-san."

"Okay." With that, Seiichi and his companions left. Just as he closed the door behind him, he met Kakashi who was on his way to the Hokage's room. "Oh, Kakashi-san. Remember me?" Seiichi asked, with a wide smile.

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