Act 35: ~History Of Namikaze Mirai~ Last Words

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[Five Years Later... On the night of Kyuubi Attack]

"Otousan, let me go to Konoha now! This is worst! That Kyuubi! Minato-niichan needs my help!" Mirai cried out, as she tried to open her door that was locked from the outside by Shiruma.

"No! You're not going anywhere!" Shiruma shouted from the other side of the door.


"Minato had told me to keep you here on the birth day of his son. No matter what happened there, you're not going to leave Suna!"

"And let him die? No!" Mirai kept pounding her fists against the wooden door, as if she wanted to break it. "Otousan, open the door please!"

"Whatever. You're not going anywhere! Now go to sleep!" Shiruma's footsteps began to faint, telling her that he was leaving her locked in her bedroom.

"Otousan!" Mirai cried out, giving a last attempt to open the door. She leaned her back against the door and slid down. She began to cry as she put her head in her hands. "Niichan... Are you okay?"

Her eyes gazed out her window, and ran towards it. "Oh my... The sky looked horrible," she murmured, observing the sky that was filled with floating dark orange chakra. Other than that, she had found it weird as she realized that her breathing patterns changed from time to time.

Shaking her head, she plopped herself down onto her bed and covered herself with her blanket, hoping that everything she had felt would gone away. "I can't... sleep. I can't brush off this dark feeling!"

Hugging her stomach, she suddenly jolted up from her bed when she felt a pain through her abdomen, making her to let out a high-pitched scream. With her hands covering her mouth, she coughed of blood. Still holding onto her kunai necklace, she panted heavily with pearls of sweats shining against her forehead, when she had just realized something. "Gomen nee, otousan..."

"Mirai!" Shiruma called out, slamming opened Mirai's door as he heard her scream. "Mirai?!" he called out again as he saw an empty bed, with a bloody hand print on the blanket. "She had used it."


"Ah!" Mirai gasped, as she fell forward when her foot tripped over some protruded tree roots, and had sprained her ankle. Ignoring the piercing pain, she stood up and ran forward, following her instinct.

She stopped behind a tree as she caught a glance of the most powerful Tailed Beasts. She froze, feeling terror washing over her body. Her eyes were wide opened before she fell to the ground. "Is that... Kyuubi?"

She looked to the front, and through a few trees she could see Minato with a baby in his arms and a red-haired woman on a field. She watched him putting down the baby on a ritual platform. Gathering all her spirit, she stood up and started to speed-walk towards them. "Niichan... wait..."

Suddenly, she fell down again as she felt a piercing, stabbing pain in her abdomen. It was so painful that her tears kept spilling out as she let out a silent scream.

Slowly, she lifted her head up and her vision went blurry for a while. But as she rubbed her eyes and the view became clear, her eyes widened and tears started to run down her face again. "Nii... chan..."

Minato and the red-haired woman were stabbed from behind by one of the Kyuubi's sharp claws, straight through their abdomens. With the pain still pulsating in her, she crawled as she tried to stand herself up.

She could hear mutterings from the red-haired woman were becoming clearer, knowing that she had almost reached them. With her last energy, she pulled herself up and ran towards them. "Minato-niichan!!!"

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