Act 38: Eternal Goodbye

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"For you to come back home."

"Mirai-san, you don't mean..." Sakura asked, hesitating. All eyes were stuck on Mirai, waiting for an answer from the girl.

"I'll give him all my five nature chakras," Mirai simply answered, tightening her hug around Shiroi. Everyone was taken aback with her final decision.

"Wait! Is that possible?! Can he even accept all your chakra? I mean, he's lightning-natured," Shizune quickly stated, only to get Mirai's smile.

"That's why..." she paused and looked down at Shiroi. "I'll give Shiroi to him too. She can convert my nature chakra to normal ones whenever he need to use it."

"But, if you give Shiroi... that would mean..."

Slowly, Mirai looked back up at Shizune before glancing down at Kakashi. With a weak smile, she softly whispered, "I'll gone."

"No!" suddenly Seiichi shot up, turning her around to face him. He held her shoulders and glared into her blue eyes with his hazel ones. "Mirai-chan, don't-"

"Seiichi-kun, I would be so grateful to save a life," Mirai assuredly said, grasping his hands together. "Besides, once my clan's Final Destiny activated, our confirmed end is immediate death. Saving a life before I die..."

Swiftly, he pulled her into a hug, crying as he dug his face into the crook of her neck. "Why... Why does it have to happen?"

"You know that the Destiny only activated when I have this protective feeling for the one I loves-"

"Stop talking about it!" he whimpered, shaking his head instantly cutting her off. "It's all about your life! I've been... planning to make you my wife," he shyly mumbled, making Mirai gasped silently. "I've been planning to propose you after this," he continued as he pulled away and saw tears rolling down her cheeks.

She was stunned, and her breath was shaking as she kept crying. "Gomen nee," she finally cried out as she wrapped her arms around Seiichi. He put his hand behind her head as she cried on his shoulder, making him to cry also. "I'm really sorry!"

"Aren't there any other ways?" he whispered, putting a bit of hope. Still crying, she shook her head slowly as she pulled away from him. Seiichi frowned, and wiped away her tears with his thumbs, before kissing her forehead.

Sniffing, Mirai turned back and hovered her hands with her palms down, right on her kunai necklace that she had placed on Kakashi. "Saa... I'm ready," she said, with a bit of trembling. At the moment she closed her eyes, her hands started to light up.

The moment was so silent, added with the wind breeze and the soft sound of the rustling leaves. Every shinobis eyes were fixated on the hands that were transferring its owner's chakra into Kakashi's body.

The colour of the light are changing from one to another, representing each affinities that were entering Kakashi's body. Since chakras were transferred from her body, Mirai dryly coughed while keeping her hands hovering on the jounin's body to transfer her second last chakra, Water.

She removed her hands at the moment the light changed its colour from blue to yellow. "My last chakra. Lightning chakra. His natural affinity. I'll give him just like that," Mirai clearly said, glancing down at Shiroi next to her. "Shiroi," she called out, before the wolf climbed onto her lap and hugged her.

"Thank you. Thank you for accepting me as your friend. Thank you for protecting me since I came to this world," she thanked the wolf, with tears started to leave her eyes. "Thank you... Thank you for everything." Shiroi stared at her, before entering Mirai's kunai necklace on Kakashi, illuminating the necklace in blue.

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