Act 20: You're Back, It's Back!

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"Seiichi-kun?" Mirai uttered, still frozen in Seiichi's hug. Tears kept rolling down her cheeks, and her eyes were fixed at Kakashi, who was watching them. "You're... back?"

"I miss you..." Seiichi mumbled, crying into her neck. He caressed her hair, before tightening his hug. "I've been looking for you since you ran away that night. It has been years..."

"Let me go, Seiichi-kun," she whispered, with her weak hands trying to push him away. But Seiichi didn't even want to loosen the hug. "Let me go."

"I won't let you go again, Mirai-chan. I'm so sorry of what happened that night. I didn't want to do it, but my dad-"

"Seiichi-kun, please. I-I just... wanted to ask you something." With that, he slowly let her go and sat down next to her on the bed. Mirai touched the left side of her neck, feeling the warmest bite one, the recent. "Did you..."

"Yes. I did use the clan's healing jutsu on you." Just as he said that, Mirai looked at him as he wiped her tears. "Mirai-chan, I'm so sorry about that night. My dad had threatened me. If I don't want to kill you, his men would. I have to agree with him! But I love you."

"Half of me keep saying that I should forgive you, but another half of me," she stopped, and looked away from him. "Keep saying that I shouldn't give you another chance."


"I need time to think about it, Seiichi-kun. Leave me, will you?" Seiichi was taken aback with her request. He grabbed her cold hands, rubbing it to warm it up. With all the energy she had, with her cold hand she cupped his cheek. "Don't worry, I'll let you know my answer." Suddenly, the door was opened, and there were Tsunade, Shizune and the real Kakashi they were surprised to find the prince was there.

"Seiichi-san, you should leave now. She need to undergo a simple check," Shizune requested, as they approached him. Kakashi led Seiichi as they left the room, and brought him to the hospital garden.

"I was wondering, how did you know that Mirai is in Konoha, and in this hospital?" Kakashi started, as they walked under a big, shady tree. Seiichi smirked, and leaned his back against the tree, crossing his arms over his chest. "You're the reflective surface on the wall, right? You've turned into a transparent thin glass."

"That day I've overheard the Hokage mentioned her name. Having a feeling that you guys might talk about Mirai that I've been looking for, I've transformed myself," he explained, looking up at the sky. "I went to the hospital, looked for her room, and... I've never seen her in that critical condition before. That night..."

Kakashi glanced at the prince, as he continued. "Five years ago, I had helped her escaped from my village. My dad was mad at me as he found out, and I got punished. Never to leave the palace again, unless he bring me for a trip or anything."

"But you are here now."

"My dad had forgiven me. I wanted to meet her, that's why I'm travelling. I went to the other places, searching for her. I still couldn't believe it that I've found her." There was a moment of silence, accompanied by the sound of the whistling wind.

"You really love her, don't you?" Kakashi remarked, breaking the silence. Seiichi immediately turned at him, a bit frowned.

"Of course I do!"

"At the moment, please don't push her too much," Kakashi advised, as he walked towards the prince with his hands in his pockets. "She had just woken up, thanks to you though. We need to let her relax her mind, and her mentality."

Sighing, Seiichi pulled out a small transparent glass ball. He grabbed it in his hand, and white light shone through his fingers. "What really happened to her?"

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