Act 12: Let's Go And Save Her!

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"This is going to be hard. Without any signs or traces from her, we're going nowhere," Sakura figured out, during their first break after they departed in the dawn. "It seems like she didn't want us to track her. We need to find her quick, before Akatsuki does-"

"Kakashi-sensei, let's go. I have a bad feeling," Naruto suddenly said, as he stood up. "I could feel how far she is now, compared to yesterday." He walked forward, without even looking back at them. Everyone was watching him, before they decided to follow him. After they walked for a while, Naruto found something blue on the ground. "Hm? What's this?" He kneeled down to pick it up. "A ribbon?"

"What is it, Naruto?" Kakashi asked, stopping next to him. As Naruto showed it to him, he recognized it right away. "Nice, Naruto!"

"Eh?" Quickly, Kakashi pulled out his kunai and pricked his thumb, before pulling out a scroll. "You're summoning Pakkun?"

"Kuchiyose no jutsu!" As expected, Pakkun and the rest of his ninja dogs appeared. Both Naruto and Kakashi squatted before the dogs. Naruto held out the ribbon to Pakkun. "Pakkun, quickly sniff this and track her."

"Hm? This scent..." Pakkun softly said, before looking up at Kakashi. "I STILL remember this SCENT, Kakashi." Everyone heard it, and surprised, then curiosity bloomed in themselves. "Everyday I would sniff it through your room, especially on your robe!" Kakashi gulped as Pakkun said that, immediately asking his dog to be quiet.

"Uh... Kakashi-sensei?"

Swiftly, Kakashi turned at Naruto, who was giving him a suspicious look, followed by the others. "Ahahahaha... A-Ah i-iya... Don't get the wrong idea!" He then cleared his throat, turning back at his dog. "Just track her now. We need to be quick. She's in danger. She's going after Akatsuki." As Pakkun nodded, he dispersed them.

"Kakashi-sensei, are you sure that this blue ribbon is belong to Mirai-neechan?" Naruto asked, looking at the broken ribbon.

"Ah, she always wear them to tie up her hair before her training. And the broken part looked new, around a day or less. So maybe she's nearby," Kakashi explained as they continued their walk.

"Heh. Sounds like you've had known her more than I do, senpai," Yamato said, smirking. Kakashi gave him a glare, which he leisurely ignored.

"Hmph. Everyone, will it be okay if we speed up like yesterday? It may consume up our energy, but I'm afraid we're too late. Mirai is a girl with high determination. She might push herself in the way that she might be able to reach her goal faster."

"We're all right with it! The faster we are, the earlier we save her!" Naruto said, agreed by the others. Kakashi nodded, and they started to run, trying to catch up while waiting for a sign from Pakkun.

After they ran for a while, Kakashi put up his right arm, stopping the whole team as he received a signal from his dogs. "Quick everyone! Let's use the fastest way to the Final Valley, through the woods!" he abruptly ordered, leading their way into the woods. "We're too late. Mirai had left the country."


Where... am I? Why... I can't... feel... anything? Am I... dead? Shiroi... did you... get back... in time? Did I... lose to... them? Hm. At least... they are... away from Konoha now...

"Uh... Itachi! Let's stop for a while," Kisame suggested. Itachi stopped, turning at his tired mate. "We've been travelling too far. I need a bit of rest too since I'm the one who's bringing her." He had brought Mirai on his Samehada since they left the Final Valley, leaving the Fire Country.

"Hmph. Fine. Let's stop by that rock," said Itachi, walking towards a big flat rock under a shady tree. Kisame put Mirai down on the rock, before sitting down on it.

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