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"Haha! Kakashi-sensei, your treat!" Naruto joyously said, as he ran passing through Konoha's main gate. He turned around and fist pumped as his team walked towards him. "You've promised us!"

Kakashi scratched his head and gave him his smiling eye, as usual. "Well, I'm a bit busy-"

"No no, you're coming! You've told us that you'll treat us ramen after we got back," Sakura immediately cut off, as she walked towards Naruto and turned at the jounin.

"Okay, okay," he agreed, and started to follow them while Sai and Yamato were walking beside him.

Naruto happily walked as he hummed, before the view of Ichiraku Ramen Shop appeared before his eyes. "Now, here we are! Ichiraku Ramen-"

"That veggie ramen was totally tasty!" Suddenly a voice heard, coming from the ramen shop, making Naruto stopped walking. He then saw a boy came out from the shop with his mother. "The chicken slices were just right and the mushrooms were the best. The next time we come here, let's take some home for Saki-neechan!"

"Veggie ramen..." Naruto muttered, as he watched the two villagers slowly disappearing into the crowds. He glanced up at the blue sky, smiling to himself as he remembered something. "Hm..."

"Naruto," Sakura suddenly called, patting his shoulder as she approached him. He turned around, and his whole team was there.

"It's been a while, right?" Naruto softly said, letting out a soft sigh. "It felt quiet..."

"Ah... Time flies so fast," Yamato said, standing beside the orange ninja as he gazed out at the sky.

"Back to those days, she always look for me just to bring me here and treat me," Naruto stated as he entered the ramen shop, followed by the others. "Haha! We even had eating contest. She also always made me ate some of her veggie ramen."

Suddenly, his expression changed as he slowly took a seat. Kakashi had noticed it as he walked beside his team member. Taking a seat next to Naruto, Kakashi then placed his hand behind Naruto, bringing him back to reality. "Naruto?"

"Ah! One veggie ramen, please. Like what Mirai-neechan always order before," Naruto immediately ordered as Teuchi stood before him.


"I don't want to eat some of it, I want to eat a bowl of it!" Naruto cheerily said, putting up a thumbs up at Kakashi. "Don't you worry much, Kakashi-sensei! Veggie ramen is always cheap! That's why she always paid for my ramen too!"

"Cheap?" Kakashi suddenly pointed out, cocking his exposed eyebrow. Chuckling, he turned at Teuchi. "Make that four, please. And I'll take one away."

"Eyy senpai!" Yamato suddenly objected. "Seriously?"

"Stingy sensei," Sakura muttered before letting out a sigh. "Well, it's a vegetarian meal. Have to look out for my weight."

"I'll eat anything," Sai calmly answered, with a smile across his face.

Naruto couldn't help but to laugh at their reactions. "Of course, that's Kakashi-sensei to you all!"

After waiting for a few minutes, their ramens had came and just as they started to eat, Naruto spoke. "Now I remembered. I've first met Seiichi-san here before, and if I could recall the topic that we were talking about... it's about Mirai-neechan." Picking a slice of chicken from his bowl, he then continued. "He told me how famous was Mirai-neechan at other places, and how her journey was full of ups and downs."

"By the way," Yamato began, taking another bite of his mushrooms and continued. "How's Seiichi-san, huh? I wonder..."


Naruto Shippuden: The Legend Of White-Wolf Shadow [Naruto Shippuden FanFiction]Where stories live. Discover now