Act 8: By This Pain...

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"Shiruma-san, how have you been through all of your life travelling?" Tsunade asked, as Yamato closed the door behind, leaving her and Shizune with Shiruma in the room.

"Totally fine," Shiruma simply answered, sitting himself up. "Just go straight to the point, Tsunade. You know that I know you well. Every of your words come with a reason."

"Tell me more about your adopted daughter."

"So it was you back then, hiding behind the gatekeepers' hut, watching me left Konoha with a baby in my arms."

"You haven't married yet, so where would Mirai come from?"

"My friends' last will. They wanted me to take care of Mirai."

"Who are these friends?"

"No. Your question should be 'who were these friends'. But I'll never tell you."

"Don't let me use pressure on you. I'm sure you know about Ibiki." Shiruma gave a smirk at Tsunade as she mentioned Ibiki, instantly knew her real point.

"Oh, so you must have discovered about Mirai's special kekkei genkai..."

"Who were her real parents?" Tsunade asked, almost immediately. Shiruma glanced out of the window, staring at the sunset. "Was one of her parents from Senkou clan?" That statement made his glance back to Tsunade.

"You know about Senkou too?" The room went silence as Tsunade replied him with a nod. He looked down on his hands, clenching the blanket with it.

"So? I'm asking you; was one of her parents from Senkou clan?"

"Well, as a former ANBU, I should be telling the truth to the Hokage, right? Besides, it's a long time ago story. I love Mirai, but I hate to betray my own village." Tsunade sat down at the edge of his bed, ready to hear everything. "Her parents... were once Konoha's shinobis. Her dad came from this village, but not her mother..."

"Her mother? Where was she came from?"

"A small village in Land of Rivers. A very small and poor village alongside a river."

"But how did she come here?"

"She was under a mission," Shiruma stopped, feeling hesitated, before continuing. "A spying mission on Konohagakure's village."


"She was chosen to be a spy, because she was the last generation of Senkou that time," Shiruma calmly revealed. Different with Tsunade, she was taken aback by the story. "Senkou, no one has ever expected to hear that name again. The last holder of the legendary Gochakura that time, Senkou Arisu or her undercover name, Ai Arisu. Mirai's father was on a mission to protect the border with me too, and that was how they met. Arisu was found wounded and fainted in the middle of the forest, just near the Fire Country's border."

"And I assumed that her father brought her back to Konoha?"

"Well, that was right-"

"Who was he?" Tsunade swiftly asked. Shiruma went silent for a moment.

"That I couldn't answer, and I will not."


"That was his last will, never reveal Mirai's father's name, before the couple went to battlefield during the Third Ninja War. They left Mirai when she was still a baby. I was the one who looked after her during their absence. Few weeks after their leave, a very sad news came to me."

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