Act 36: Final Destiny, Activated...

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"Namikaze..." Orochimaru cackled, as he watched Mirai walked towards him with a deathly stare.

"I've had enough of hearing people talking bad about my Senkou side," she sternly said. "Now, I was wondering... What are people going to say about my Namikaze side?"

"So you really are Michio's vanished daughter. His only child that he and Arisu had left during the Third War. Poor you," he smirked, as he started to walk sideways. "When I've heard about your parents' death, I was looking for you. But I was too late. Shiruma had left Konoha with you."

"What do you want from me?" she growled, tightening the grip on her kunai. Orochimaru stopped, and turned at the girl.

"I've heard about the sealing of Hatake's White-Wolf Shadow in you, so by taking you I could use the Wolf's power."

"Ah... Now I knew why I had to leave Konoha when I was a baby."

"Yes, that's right. Someone wanted to take control of the legendary White-Wolf Shadow in you." Orochimaru smugly smiled at her as he paused. "So now, I want that Wolf."

"As if I'd let you," she said, dashing towards him as she performed a series of hand seals. "Doton: Earth Erosion!"

The ground shook, and it began to erode below Orochimaru. He tried to escape from it, but his left foot got stuck in between hard rocks.

"This... is going to be hard. But I'm not giving up so easily, girl."


"Huh... huh..." Mirai heavily panted as she backed away. She swiftly looked behind her; Shizune and Sakura each were trying to heal Kakashi and Naruto, Seiichi was trying to heal Shiruma and his squad with Yamato guarding them, and finally Neji, Shikamaru and Sai were still fighting with Kabuto.

"You're not skilled enough, like your cousin," Orochimaru suddenly sneered, as he jumped away from Mirai, gathering some energy for himself.

"Who cares? Minato-niichan told me to not get affected by his reputation," she panted, as she stood herself up, wiping the blood that was dripping out from the corner of her mouth. "He taught me to bring out my own quality, not to bring out his."

"Hmph," he chuckled, before releasing a mass amount of black snakes towards the other Konoha shinobis. Quickly, Mirai swung her arm and a large shield emerged from the ground, blocking the snakes from attacking her comrades.

"Oi! I'm here! I'm the one that you should fight! Not them! Katon: Fire Demon Lantern!" she chanted, releasing fire balls from her mouth, burning the snakes to ashes. Few more balls were aimed at Orochimaru, but he managed to dodge them.

"Tch. You almost got me there. Well, going against you really makes me a bit afraid of losing." Drawing blood from his thumb, he then performed a series of hand seals.

"Oh, so now you're going to summon something?" Mirai stated, as she got herself ready with what would happen next. Suddenly a large purplish-black snake appeared after a puff of smoke. "So that's Manda," she whispered to herself.

Orochimaru jumped onto the head of the summoned snake and looked down at her. "They're important to you, huh?" he smugly said, crossing his arms over his chest. "I know your weakness now."


"You know that you can't protect everyone here, Mirai," he stated, before the large snake suddenly came towards her. She almost lost her balance as she tried to dodge, but then she had just realized the actual target. The snake was heading towards Shizune who was trying to heal injured Kakashi.

"No!" Mirai yelled before she used Hiraishin and appeared between the snake and Shizune, just in time. A mass of blue chakra had came out from her, pushing the snake away.

"See? That's your weakness. Your friends," Orochimaru stated, as she was heavily panting. "That's why they have to be attacked to catch you off guard." Suddenly, a swarm of snakes shot out from the large snake's mouth towards the others.

"Oh no!" She was about run towards them when she felt a pang on the back of her head. "Ugh!" she cried as she fell forward down onto the ground and touched her head. Suddenly, a hand pulled her shoulder, turning her around before the hand grabbed her neck.

"I have thought of something," Orochimaru hissed as he lifted her up. Mirai was struggling to free herself from the choking grip by punching his arm. "You're not strong enough, because of this protective feelings over your-so-called friends."

"What... a-are... you saying... ugh!" she managed to choke out. Orochimaru cackled as a response when she slightly opened her left eye.

"Come with me." Mirai gasped as she heard it, and she could feel anger boiling up in her. "I'll train you. You see... Everyone that had my gift came to me, and they're strong now."

"Let... me go!!!" she shouted, before her body suddenly lit up brightly in five different colours. It was so bright that Orochimaru had to release her and covered his eyes with his hands. Mirai sat up and looked at her glowing self. "Wh-Wh-What happened to me?!"

She turned around, and saw the others were trying to kill the snakes that were attacking them and defended themselves. "Is this... It's activated?!" she whispered to herself, before she took another glance at them.

"Mirai-san?" Shizune gasped, as Mirai suddenly appeared in a flash of light and kneeled down next to her. She roamed through Kakashi's pocket and pulled out her kunai necklace, putting it on Kakashi's palm. "Mirai-san, why are you glowing?" Shizune suddenly asked, feeling worried.

"I guess... this is it," Mirai weakly smiled, as she slowly sat up and turned her back at Shizune. "This is every Gochakura's fate," she whispered as she took a few steps forward. Kneeling down, she placed her palm down on the ground and her yellow hair was started to sway, even though there were no winds blowing.

From under her palm, a black circle started to appear on the grass, and five different Japanese Kanjis started to arise from the ground, each representing the five natural affinities. She stood up and looked at Orochimaru, who was staring at her with a smirk.

There are two types of Destiny. One, completely empty the chakra vessels and death come immediately. Two, leave only ten percent in each chakra vessels, but death will await for a moment.

Pulling in a deep breath, she stretched out her right arm above her head. She closed her eyes, and the marks on the ground began to light up.

"That's..." Shiruma shakily said, trembling as he tried to run towards Mirai, but Seiichi held him tightly as he was still treating the injured ANBU. "Ugh! Someone have to stop her!"

"Shiruma-san! Stay still!" Seiichi firmly said with a strict tone as he held the elder's shoulders tightly. "Just let-"

"She's going to kill herself!" As soon as Shiruma blurted that out, Seiichi widened his eyes. Cussing to himself, he immediately stood up and ran as fast as he could to reach the girl that might leave him forever.

"To protect the people I love," Mirai whispered as tears started to roll down her cheeks while she put down her hand. Trembling, she took a glimpse of Seiichi, who was coming from her left side. "I'm sorry... I have to use it."

"No!" Seiichi yelled, but it was too late to stop her.

At the moment Mirai stomped her right foot onto the ground, the markings on the ground started to light up in five different colours. Red, green, yellow, brown and blue.

"Katon, Fuuton, Raiton, Doton, Suiton. Activated."

Naruto Shippuden: The Legend Of White-Wolf Shadow [Naruto Shippuden FanFiction]Where stories live. Discover now