Act 25: The Black Attack

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"That was..."

"That was the most painful feeling I've ever felt. When the person you loved had betrayed you," Mirai ended her story, before she continued to finish her ramen. Naruto watched her as she slurped down her ramen to the last drop.

"Mirai-neechan..." he whispered, still amazed with her story. She let out a relief sigh as she put down her second bowl, before she turned to him with a smile.

"Well, that was the destined life of a Senkou. We betrayed people through spying, and at the end we got betrayed back. That's how it should be. The reason why I was born is to get the 'payments' on behalf of my clan. I deserved this-"

"You're wrong!" Suddenly Naruto shot up, surprising her. "Those happened in the past, and has nothing to do with you! You're not the one who went on spying them. They shouldn't take their revenge on you!"

"None of them would think it that way. It's all about revenge in their hearts. Each clans had nurtured their revenge for their past generations, and of course they want to kill the last generation of Senkou, to prevent more betrayals in the future," she explained as she flashed another smile that reflected her sad feeling to him. "That means until I die, they'll never stop."

"No," he whispered, as he hugged her. "We'll protect you! I'll never let you die." Mirai chuckled, as she patted his head, giving him a toothy smile.

"Ja, let's finish this!" They continued to eat, and as they thought that they were already full, Mirai paid the bill. "Thanks for the food-"

"Mirai-chan!" Seiichi called out, as he spotted her coming out from the ramen shop. "Why didn't you tell me that you're out?" he asked, walking towards her and grabbed her arms.

"Seiichi. What do you want?" she asked, trying to free her arms from his grips. He let her go, but then he grabbed her shoulders.

"I want to be with you again," he confessed in one breath, now only realized that Naruto was there. "O-Oh..."

"I won't let you hurt her," Naruto said, staring at the prince who was slowly pulling his hands off of Mirai's shoulders. "If anything happen to her, I'll never forgive you."

"Oi Naruto..." Mirai called out, trying to stop him.

"Naruto!" All three of them turned to the direction of the sudden calling voice. "Oh, Mirai-san. You're already out!"

"Yamato-san! It's been a while!" Mirai cheerfully said as Yamato walked towards them. "How are you?"

"A-Ah... I'm fine. Naruto, Hokage-sama wants to meet you," he said as he looked at Naruto, who then let out a long sigh. "Ja, Mirai-san. We need to go."

"You guys..." Mirai watched them leaving her, while she was standing there alone with the one that she had always wanted to avoid, feeling uncomfortable. "Seiichi-" she started, just before her arm was pulled towards an opposite direction. "Where are we going?"

Without any answers, Seiichi continued to pull her towards the village's park. "Mirai... I have a request," he started, pushing her against one of the trees in the park. He grabbed her hands and locked it in his. "I want you to forgive me. I really, really want you to forgive me. I'm so sorry of what happened that night."

"Sorry Seiichi-kun," she apologized, trying to pull her hands off of his grip. But when his grip became tightened, she couldn't do anything. "Since that night, those kind of feelings just gone like that. I don't want to fall in love anymore." Slowly, Seiichi loosened his grip, feeling a bit disappointed. "I don't want to feel the same painful hurt from it anymore."

"Please give me a chance. I really, really love you. I miss you so much!" he begged, caressing her hair. She pushed away his hands, and softly pushed his shoulder away, walking past him.

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