Act 15: Revival And Realizations

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"I-Ite oniichan!" Mirai shrieked, rubbing her head as her cousin knocked it with his fist. "What was that for?!"

"Hey, why did you leave Konoha? They could protect you."

"That's the reason why I left. They protect me, they'll get the price. So before that happen, I better take it outside. Moreover, they don't believe me," she explained, still rubbing her head.

"Oh yeah? Then who's hugging you now? Ghost? Akatsuki? Not everyone hates you, you know? If they do, then no one from Konoha will look after you, you troublesome kid!"

"O-Oh... So that's why I've been feeling warm- Eh?! How can I feel the warmth if I've already died?!" She was surprised as she realized it. She hugged herself, sliding her hands up and down her sides.

"That's because Shiroi is still alive in you," her cousin told her, with a pure smile across his face. "Don’t you know that even if you died, Shiroi can act as your second life?"


“If you have your necklace now, you’ll be revived. But that would mean that Shiroi will be one with you. If Shiroi is taken away from you, you’ll die.”

“Oh, so I did a right choice when I took them off!”

“Why did you say that?”

“So that I don’t have to die twice!” Instantly, another knock on the head was given to Mirai. “Oniichan!” she cried out, holding her head.

“You need to live out there! You should protect Naruto.”

Suddenly, Mirai looked down at Shiroi, which has been on her lap from the beginning. “Hm… demo, no one’s going to find that necklace. I’ve thrown them into some bushes.”

“Oh, don’t say that. They’ve found it, and Naruto has been holding onto it all along their journey in finding you.” Mirai's eyes shot up at him, shocked. “The necklace will tell the condition of Shiroi’s chakras if you take off the necklace. Since Shiroi is in you, what’s happening in your body will also give out through the necklace.”

“Eh? So then, if it’s like that… Then he already knew it?” Mirai facepalmed herself when her cousin was asking her the reason. “There’s this one time that I lent Kakashi-sensei that necklace.”

“You’re caught then. He’s familiar with Shiroi’s chakra, nee?” he mocked, crossing his arm. Mirai pulled a long face, and sighed as she covered her face with her hands.

“Why didn’t he ask me anything after that?”

“Who knows? Ask him when you get the chance,” he said, placing a hand on her head. But then she looked up at him, with frustation in her eyes.

“But, I’ve died.” As she said that, he pulled her hands and rose it up at the front of her eyes. She gasped, as she found out that not just her hands, but her entire body was fading. She looked down at her lap, and Shiroi wasn't there. Then realization struck her mind. She reached forward her cousin and hugged him, crying into his chest. “Oniichan!!!”

He softly patted the back of her head, and smiled. “You’re going back to life. Mirai, listen to me.” He pulled her away, and looked into her eyes. "If he ask you anything, just be honest."

"About what? I don't remember EVERYthing before... or after the Kyuubi Attack."

"Here, let me fully undo the seal on your memory." As Mirai closed her eyes, he put his palm facing down the top of her head. "Kai!" Mirai opened her eyes, and the blue colour of her eyes became brighter. "Just tell him, because I have my faith in him. And you too."

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