Act 34: ~History Of Namikaze Mirai~ Our Meet

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"Mirai-chan," Shiruma called his 5-years old daughter out. Mirai peeked her head slowly into the living room. She saw her father was sitting across a yellow-haired man with his back faced her. "Come here, there's someone who wants to meet you." She walked towards Shiruma, passing the unfamiliar man. "Go to him. Say 'hello' to Minato-niichan."

"Hello Mirai," Minato said, waving his hand to shy Mirai. But, she managed to flash him a smile. Somehow, Mirai felt comfortable with Minato's presence. She walked towards him, without being told by any of them. "Haha! Mirai-chan!" Minato smiled, helping Mirai to get on his lap then faced her to himself. "Wow, you're tall for a 5-years old."

"Hi Minato-niichan!" Mirai finally spoke, giving Minato another smile. Minato balanced her on his lap, and gave her a hug. Warm, comforting and protective hug as Mirai felt. She never felt this kind of hug before with anyone else other than Shiruma. She dug her face into his shoulder, feeling the loving hug even though from someone she never met before.

"Mirai-chan, how are you?" Minato asked, as he pulled away, caressing Mirai's long yellow hair.

"I'm totally fine! How are you, niichan?"

"Same as you. I'm sure you're an energetic little girl," Minato concluded, as he poked her cheek with his finger. "Will you spend a day with me?"

"Depends on what will daddy say," Mirai said, turning to glance at Shiruma, requesting a positive answer from him.

"Oh of course! I'm sure Minato-niichan will look after you, all day. Besides, daddy have to prepare for our small business. Right, Minato?" Shiruma asked, smirking at Minato.

"Ha ha ha... I didn't know that you're calling me over just to look after her," Minato stated, sweat-dropped.

"Hihi sorry sorry... at least you're able to spend a day... with her. I'm giving you a chance here, Minato." Shiruma stood up and walked to Minato's side, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Use that time," he finally said, before leaving both Minato and Mirai alone.

"Oh, what small business your father had here?" Minato asked Mirai, as she stood herself on the floor.

"Just growing herbs and sell them," Mirai sweetly answered. "Oh oh! I know their names!" Minato was amazed to hear all the herbs' name leaving from the mouth of 5-years old girl.

"Great! I bet you'll be a better Medical Ninja," he praised, patting her head.

"In fact, I want to be a great kunoichi and a great Medical Ninja one day!"

Determination, she has it in her, Minato figured out as he stared at her. "So, how about I'll train you today?" Minato was expecting a groan from that small mouth.

"Yosh! I love training! Let's go!" cheered the little Mirai, doing small hops in front of Minato. He felt a little touched with such reaction from a young girl. "So Minato-niichan, when are we going to start? It has been a while since daddy trained me," Mirai said, eagerly. Minato gave her a smile, as Shiruma entered the living room again, being all ready for his small journey.

"Ah, Mirai-chan. I'll be back before night. Or at dawn, the latest," Shiruma said, patting Mirai's head gently. She nodded, showing how understand she was.

"Where are you going?" Minato asked, as he observed a big basket behind Shiruma with tools and supplies in it.

"I'm going to the Land of River. Most of my herbs comes from there, and since I've ran out of them, I'm getting more," Shiruma said, as they walked out of the house. Minato let out a small laugh. "Hm? What's wrong?"

"Weird. An ANBU is going to collect herbs?" Minato pointed out, even letting out a small laugh. More like a giggle.

"Oi oi... I'm only an ANBU when I'm still in Konoha. Now that I'm living in Suna, I need to get money too," he explained, after giving a soft slap at the back of Minato's head. He groaned, massaging the back of his head. "Ja, I'm going first. It's going to be a long journey. Remember, Minato. Take care of Mirai." Minato nodded, before Shiruma walked away, towards the gate of the Suna village.

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