Act 3: Field Meet

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“Mirai-san, can I come in?” the nurse asked from the outside of the room. “Mirai-san?” she called out again, as there was no reply from her. Assuming that she might have gone to sleep, the nurse slowly opened the door. “Mirai-san, I’m here to give you… Mirai-san?”

The bed was tidied up. No one…was resting on the bed. No one. “Oh no… I’m dead.”


“Hm… Where can I go?” Mirai told herself, while walking along the Leaf Street. “Oh excuse me, may I know if there’s any place for training?” she asked a group of kids who were coincidentally went towards her way.

“Oh, you can go this way, then you’ll find the training field,” said one of the kids with a green goggles over his head.

“Ooh thank you! Here, for you.” Mirai handed out sweets for each of them. “I got them from Kumogakure.”

“Whoa!!! Oneesan, you’ve travelled that far? Awesome!” the spectacled kid said, taking the sweets happily.

“Oi you guys!” another man’s voice could be heard, just behind Mirai. “What are you guys doing here? I thought I’d say that I would like to see you guys at the front of the academy gate.”

“Oh Ebisu-sensei! We’re helping this sister! She said she’s from Kumogakure of the Land of Lightning,” the kid with the goggles said again. Mirai turned around to face the guy that the kid called as ‘Ebisu-sensei.’

“Konohamaru, stop making lies-” Ebisu stopped, as Mirai bowed at him. “Oh, nice to meet you! What's your name?”

“Ah, my name is Mirai,” Mirai said, once again bowed at him.

“Oooh I-I-I never seen you here before-”

“Oh that’s because I’ve been travelling with my dad, all around the Shinobi Godaikoku, for years.”

“Oh so it’s true that you’ve been to Kumogakure?”

“Ah ee… ” she said, shyly bowing at him. “So these kids are your-”

”Ah yes… they’re under my supervision. Konohamaru, Udon and Moegi,” he introduced, patting each of the kids on their heads by their names. “So we’re going now, these kids got a mission from the Hokage.”

“Hokage? That lady in green clothing?”

“Yes! Tsunade-sama! Jaa, oneesan, we’ll get going! And thanks for the sweets!” Konohamaru said, as they left. “Ebisu-sensei! Mirai-neesan reminds me of someone, but I don’t know who!” Mirai heard, as she waved them a goodbye, before turning around to where the training field was as told by Konohamaru.

“Ah… okay, this should be good. I can release it here,” Mirai said, as she walked to the centre of the green field. She sat down on the grass, and inhaled the fresh air blowing over the field. “Ah… Harmony. Perfect place.” She made a series of hand seals before closing her eyes, totally became silent.


“Ugh… Resting might be good, but at least let me have a walk around the village,” Yamato whined, as he walked around Konoha. He did a good job of escaping from the hospital since he was told to stay in his room by Tsunade. “Hm… should I go to a place that is wide and green, and also fresh? The training field.”

“Hm… the fresh air is better than the hospital scent,” he claimed, as he arrived at the field. He looked around and saw a yellow-haired girl, sitting down on the grass in the middle of the field. “Hm? Who’s that?” he whispered to himself.

“Release!” the girl chanted, as she pushed her palm against her chest.

“Huh?!” Yamato quietly shrieked to himself, before hiding behind a tree. “What is that?” he asked himself again, as he saw the girl was in Demon Fox form-like. “No way? But, it’s blue?”

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