Act 6: Get Ready, No Matter What

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"Good morning!" Mirai said to herself as she woke up. Walking out of her room towards her new place's small balcony, she inhaled the refreshing morning air of Konoha. It had been almost a week since she came back to Konoha, and today she will be having her first training of her Katon chakra with Kakashi. She was enjoying the breathtaking morning view of the peaceful village when there was a knocking sound on her door. She ran back hastily into the bathroom. "Chotto nee!" Quickly she washed her face, and patted it dry on her way to the door. She opened it, just wide enough to peek her head out. "Ah..."

"What? I'm here just to tell you to meet me at the small red bridge in an hour," Kakashi slumberly said, with his eye fixed at the book in his hand. "You do know where it is, right?" Mirai properly stood up and leaned against the door frame with her arms crossed over her chest. He looked up from his book and stared at her annoyed face with a questioning stare. "What?"

"Could you at least look at the person that you're talking to? That's kinda rude, you know?"

"Well, if that person is only in her yellow tank top and white shorts, that's much ruder to look at her in that condition, right?" he cooly said, looking back to his book. Blushing, Mirai went back into her house as she heard his statement. "Ja, remember that. In an hour."

"Okay..." she answered from inside her house. She knew that Kakashi had left as his footsteps began to faint. "Urgh, he'll come three hours later, just like what Naruto told me last night..." She walked to her room, but stopped in all of sudden. "Naruto..."


"Hah... He's absolutely right," Mirai said, as she coincidentally met Kakashi, who was on his way to the training field too. He turned around and was a bit shocked to find her there. Mirai walked towards him with a smiling face. "Your team sure know you well."

"Hmph... Anyway why are you here? You're supposed to wait for me at the bridge."

"And just lean against the bridge rail for almost three hours? I don't think so, because I hate waiting. Take note of that."

"Um... so where have you been?" Kakashi asked, as both of them started to walk towards Konoha's training area 3. "Walking around with Yamato?"

"Walking around, yes. With Yamato-san, no. I'm all alone. I've decided to take a morning walk around the village." The time had flew fast, that both of them had arrived at the field.

"Oh, before we start," Kakashi stopped, reaching into his back pouch. Even Mirai stopped in her track. "Here. Thanks for lending it to me," he thanked, holding out Mirai's necklace into her right hand.

"You're welcome," she took it gladly, and put the necklace on, but Kakashi suddenly noticed that her hands were shaking out of the blue. "Ah... Kuso nee! Why am I-"

"Come here. Let me help you out," he offered, as he came around and stood behind her, picking up the hook of the necklace. While fastening the hook, Kakashi noticed her body was feeling uncomfortable. "Are you alright?"

"Yes I am! I'm... I'm totally fine! Yosh, let's go!" she cheered, fist-pumping. Kakashi gave her his smiling eye, before crossing his arms over his chest. "So, what do we start with?" she asked, while tying up her hair with blue ribbon.

"Hm... Let's see... what kind of attack that you want?"

"Hm... Anything will do... Short range, long range, throwing, through ground, anything... I don't care if you're going to teach me Katon basic jutsu."

"Well then, I'll teach you Goukakyuu no jutsu. For this jutsu, there are six hand seals." Kakashi walked to her side and started to make the hand seals. "Serpent, ram, monkey, boar, horse, tiger. Katon: Goukakyuu no jutsu!" Then he released a fire ball through his mask.

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